Mutli Type Coasters

Why couldn't B&M or some other designer make a coaster with mutliple train types running at the same time? Like sitdowns with floorlesses or sitdowns and standups? I mean what would have to be done to make it possible?

Old arrows might be rough, but they are the most gorgous rides to date.

If you look on RCDB, you will notice under TOGO that there is a coaster over across the ocean that has a sitdown and a standup train on it.
President, C.R.A.P. (Coaster Rescurers And Preservationists).
Funny, in a dream I had, trains on Raptor and Mantis were joined with Magnum cars and ran along the Magnum track. I was pretty mad about it.
The reason it isn't seen more often than it is (there are one/some coaster(s) that have different train seatings, as mentioned by Tekno), is because some manufactures design the ride around the riders heartline, thus it a standup train and a sitdown train would put the riders in different places. (Sitdown, rider is closer to track, standup, rider is further away from track...)


I had never though of that, LnR. Actually, I had wondered much the same myself when I was but a wee lad, and later just figured it had something to do with the design. When I saw on RCDB that there was a coaster that did that, I was suprised.

President, C.R.A.P. (Coaster Rescurers And Preservationists).

Apparently, TOGO is not one of the companies whose coasters are designed with riders' heartline as the center of gravity.
ApolloAndy's avatar
And you needed that ride to tell you that?

Just look at their standups banking before a turn...

Be polite and ignore the idiots. - rollergator
"It's not a Toomer" - Arnold Schwartzenkoph
"Those who know don't talk and those who talk don't know." -Jeff

I never said it was a good idea.....just an idea;)

Actually, I've ridden 2 TOGO standups, KK @ PKI and Shockwave @ PKD. Although the trains aren't comfortable for anybody other than a small asian person, I enjoyed the layout.
President, C.R.A.P. (Coaster Rescurers And Preservationists).

I could only see this type of ride working at a smaller park (with fewer crowds). Otherwise, the station would be a disaster. The only way it could possibly work is to have loading from both sides of the station (one for each train type) and the exits would have to be relocated to the ends of the station. Also, one type of train is bound to be more popular than the other, so in some cases near empty trains would need to be dispatched inorder to 'gain access' to the other, more popular, train. And as for the more popular side, it would be running at half capacity, so the lines would literally crawl.


Railshark said:
Apparently, TOGO is not one of the companies whose coasters are designed with riders' heartline as the center of gravity.

Odd idea, considering that they're the company that developed the Ultra-Twister coasters, SFGAdv's Viper, and Manhattan Express. While not great coasters by any stretch, they all feature the first heartline rolls seen on coasters.

What do I Listen-To?

Well One reason for not having inter-changeable trains is because of wieght. A B&M sit-down coaster train does not have the same wieght as a Stand-up or floor-less. That could be a factor but i'm not sure. Anoter thing is that the capacity of the ride would get shot to *EDIT*. The people in line would get all jumbled around trying to decide where they want to ride. Also the restraint systems on B&M rides have different methods of opening. On a B&M stand-up the Metal arm under neath the train engages at a different point then on a sit-down machine. Those are just a few reasons why it wouldn't be practical or work. One more thing this isn't RCT. Cool idea though. A park could invest the amount of money for one ride and get three different expierences.
when life hands you lemonade you have to add oranges to make super powerful orangenaid.
In addition to weight there would be a difference in drag. I'd expect a standup to be slowed the most by wind-resistance, floorless would probably be a little faster, fastest would be a sit-down with the aerodynamic nose car.

It would be interesting to see a racing/dueling B&M with a different style of car on each side. Parallel sections where the faster trains overtake the slower ones would alternate with breakaway sections that allow the slower trains to get slightly ahead to repeat the process at the next parallel section.

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