Just to let you all know, the Mummy is opening at about noon daily now. They tell you it won't open, but for three days in a row it was the same thing. I'll giver my TR later, just wanted to let you all know. And by the way, I'm talking about Orlando.

Defeat the Enemy. Vote for Kerry in 2004!
Mamoosh's avatar
I believe it's still a soft opening without all stunts and props working. It may be open every day, but it's not officially open until the park says so.
I love your signature Stitch!

The Only Thing Worst Then Dieing, Is Living And Having Nothing Worth Dieing For.
Yes, I am sure telling people to vote for Kerry in your signature in CoasterBuzz will actually persuade others and make a difference.
RiFt, I am sure it will too. ;) Just want to get my opinion out.

Defeat the Enemy. Vote for Kerry in 2004!
Stitch, I don't believe you. If you put another exclamation mark on the end then I might, but only four... seems fishy to me.

Yep, I was there when they opened it too. Fun, fun, fun!
I didn't mean to start a batlle Stitch. Sorry. As far a what the topic should be. Its great to hear Mummy is open, but unfortunatly it is a year to late for me. Well maybe I'll go back in a couple years, when they add a few more things.

The Only Thing Worst Then Dieing, Is Living And Having Nothing Worth Dieing For.
Mamoosh's avatar
I'm all for free speech but please, let's leave the political debates over on Rec.Roller-coaster where they belong.


Who is the Mummy voting for is the real question. ;)
Jeff's avatar
I have strong opinions about the presidential race, but they don't go here. There are a thousand places on the Internet to talk about it, but this is not one of them. Go elsewhere.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Sorry, I didn't mean for my sig to cause this.

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