Mr. Six

I have been hearing rumors that this is going to be Mr. Six last year. Is this rumor true?


Yup, Mr.Six is gone. *** Edited 2/26/2006 4:31:18 PM UTC by CedarPoint420***
Cedarpoint420, Do you know what Six Flags next Ad Campaign will be?


"Ride On!" ?


^Thats Cedar Point.
Tyler Perry's Madea will be the star of the next ad campaign with out of place comedic relief, intense melodrama, but an uplifting ending that will restore your faith in Six Flags. Obliviously. ;)


According to the article in the Washington Post. Mr. Six will remain part of Six Flags in the future.

A day at the park is what you make it!

Beat me to it, Coasterguts. ;) I'm glad. There's something about that man that I like. He's got spirit! :)

CP was amazing, going back next June to ride Maverick

I thought I read that he will remain a part of six flags. Can you post a link to the article. I wanted to read it again.
Thats good, at least Mr. Six Pan. at sfne won't have to change it's name.
Even if Mr. Six went bye-bye, it wouldn't be much of a stretch to call it simply 'Pandemonium'.

"Life's What You Make It, So Let's Make It Rock!"
I (Heart) Mr. Six.

I thought he was going to die soon, which made me sad. I'm happy to be hearing that maybe he will not die yet...I mean, I just met the guy a few years ago.

so which onw would be true is mr six staying as a fantasic model or will six flags dismiss the great commerical guy
I hope Mr. Six stays part of Six Flags.


Sorry. It's part of this Baltimore Sun Article. About for or five paragraphs down.

A day at the park is what you make it!

that for the thumbs up
I hope it's his last year. He was an advertising tool that increased brand awareness but did nothing to improve the situation for the brand. He's annoying, his song is annoying, his dance is annoying and I can't wait to see that idea dead and buried.
phoenixphan :-)'s avatar
WOW...I think just the fact that this is discussed so much on these forums show that Six Flags hit the target with this marketing campaign. Love him or hate him, Mr. Six is the most recognized brand for the company since the Looney Tunes commercials a few years back. I admit I will miss the commericals, every time I hear the Venga Bus Is Coming.... I smile and think of great times at Six Flags!

Real men ride wood... coasters that is!
If So Cal is any indication, as we currently have a lot of SFMM commercials on tv, they keep the same music(Banga Boys i think), but no sight of Mr Six in any of the ads at all.

Love living in L.A.
If you are coming to L.A., check my Website for stuff to do around here! (in my profile!)

phoenixphan :-) said:
Love him or hate him, Mr. Six is the most recognized brand for the company since the Looney Tunes commercials a few years back. I admit I will miss the commericals, every time I hear the Venga Bus Is Coming.... I smile and think of great times at Six Flags!

You hit it right on the head. Mr. Six is the most recognizeable brand for the company in a very long time. They would be silly not to keep him around.

I know that he's a bit annoying, but people recognize him and relate him and the song to SF experiences

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