Motion sickness

I suffer from motion sickness, but I don't let it affect me from riding coaster, I just take some Dramamine and am perfectly fine. Do any other coaster enthusiasts have to do this?
Yep. It doesn't bother me as far as coasters go but I have to take Dramamine to be able to ride the flat rides. It's great to be able to ride everything at the parks now. I just started using it last year and wish I would have found it years ago. I've been missing out on a lot, especially with all the new fangled contraptions out there these days.

Christ how do you kids do it
Yes, I am not the only one!
The only motion sickness I have ever gotten was on our trip to SFMW, PGA, and BG last month on the drive. any car trip over 5 hours makes me wanna barf.

"All the good bands are affiliated with Satan." -Bart Simpson
I'm always a little dizzy for about a minute afer I get off a boomerang/invertigo. Going backwards = blah.
I'm a lucky one - not a thing built (forwards, backwards, flat, upside down, circular, spinning, twirling, whirling...) that can mess me up. Frankly, that's a side of coaster riding I'm quite happy to miss out on.

Po!nt of View: A different look at Roller Coasters.
Coasters don't bother me, but I sometimes take Dramamine for flat rides, especially if it is hot and humid.
Nothing bothers me except spinning (old Oaken Bucket, Gravitron). Talk about feeling baaaaad. I don't get nauseated like I'm gonna throw up as much as I just feel terrible afterward.

Go figure. Funny how stuff like Tilt-a-Whirl and Mind Scramber doesn't bother me at all.
I've ony gotten Motion Sickness once at SFWOA last year when i ate the rode Villian,S:UE,and Mind Eraser back to back to back.

Cedar Point, it doesn't get any better then that:)
now you know why I don't eat while at the park.the only ride that I've gotten sick on was the scrambler so I avoid that contraption at all costs,A word of warning if you are at SFA never ride the sky escaper right after riding the iron eagle.I tried that once and was completely messed up for the rest of the afternoon.
CoasterVince, loriu and Jim Fisher all mentioned that Dramamine works on the flat rides. I assume you all mean those "spin & puke" rides? Here is why I ask, using just one example of a spinning ride: in my much younger days I could have lived on the good 'ole Tilt-A-Whirl it was such fun. Practically everybody has ridden one. For years now, I can't ride it. After 20 seconds I am done for! Never mind these new rides that spin/turn/twist you every which way, I won't even try them. But this thread has me very intrigued. Maybe Dramamine would work for me. And I now wonder if that motion sickness patch you place behind your ear (? I think ?) would work. Comments please...
BTW...I never have any trouble on coasters. I think that's because any spinning element on a coaster is over and done very quickly and also does not repeat over and over.

I know you rider Gonna miss me when I'm gone *** This post was edited by MABrider on 7/21/2001. ***
I eat dried ginger that you can get at health food stores. Works good without making me tired like meds like Dramamine and Bonine do (even the non-drowsy formulas make me a little 'out of it')
Coasters and flat rides don't bother me one bit. However, not often, but from time to time I get carsick. Weird, huh?


"Hold on tight, with all your might, and enjoy your flight on the Raven!"
I think it is interesting you bring this up. I've wondered about this myself. I know lots of people who have motion sickness but have no problem taking on the largest coasters. Why is that- is it because the ride is much shorter then a ride in a car?

CrystalKat said:
"I'm a lucky one - not a thing built (forwards, backwards, flat, upside down, circular, spinning, twirling, whirling...) that can mess me up. Frankly, that's a side of coaster riding I'm quite happy to miss out on.

Po!nt of View: A different look at Roller Coasters.

Me too.
I'm the same way as Homey G and Jim Fisher. Just flat rides bother me. I've ridden dueling dragons 42 times in a day, and didn't feel a thing!

Beware of the Dragons! - Dueling Dragons
I only get dizzy from Simulator rides. I cant stad looking at the screen and riding at the same time. Its like Reading in a car.
Thank you guys so much!!!! I thought the only reason i was getting queasy on certain rides was because i was getting old. i am so glad this thread was started. but all i need to settle my stomache is 1 cheese-on-a-stick, and i am fine! *** This post was edited by Ghostrider2001 on 7/22/2001. ***
I don't, but my little brother, (hes 12, so its not like hes really young) wanted to go on the teacups. If there is one thing you do not do, its going on the teacups with me. I got him messed up for about an hour and a half before he was able to ride anything again. Ha ha ha ha.

Red Wings Suck!!!
How does Dramamine work. Is it a pill or a patch? My father has started going on coasters with me, such as hypers and woodies but he will not go on any coaster that goes upside down or go on any flat rides like the teacups or even the Kangaroo at Kennywood. His inner ear imbalance, which causes his motion sickness is ruining the amount of possible fun that he could really have at an amusement park. I really would like to know as much as possible about this medicine. If anyone knows about it, please tell me. Thank you.

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