Most reliable coaster??

Wild One and Roar at SFA are very reliable. I have never seen them down for long periods of time. The only time I have seen them down was when the power went out. And one time they had to replace the chain weel on Wild One and that was done by the evening hours, just in time for a few runs before closing. SFA does very well in maintaining their wooden coasters. Not just keeping them running, but keeping them runnin smooth and "fresh."

----------------- can't handle a rollercoaster huh? ARE the Weakest Link! Goodbye!
Number 1 Batwing Fan!

*** This post was edited by scoaster on 5/3/2002. ***

force312 said:

Wasnt it something like MF was never down for a day last year except for the cable break, or something along that line??

To be honest, it is extremely rare to see any ride down for the entire day at CP unless it is due to something major (chain break, etc) or weather (winds usually more-so than rain). Heck, I remember hearing how a couple seasons ago, the air compressor on Magnum blew and they wheeled a compressor on a truck over by the Breakers "toll booth" and hooked that up in order to get the ride running. CP does the preventative stuff at night, not during operating hours like some parks seem to do.

2001 Magnum Crew

The most reliable coaster is probably a single train kiddie coaster that has almost nothing to break and move slow enough that it doesn't wear out much.

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