Most exhilarating experience in rides?

Vater's avatar
My personal exhilerating experiences:

1. My first ride on Legend (this past weekend) in pitch-darkness--as CPLady says: 'the entire RIDE is exhilarating'!
2. Millennium Force's first drop.
3. Beast's 45°, out-of-control, post-2nd lift drop into the lateral-heaven that is the best helix on Earth.
4. 'The Drop' on Raven, back seat. :(
5. Jack Rabbit's glorious double-dip, back seat. Most psychotic ejector air in the universe.
6. Thunderbolt's largest drop (post-helix) into the ravine. Standing air.
7. Alpengeist in pitch-darkness during Howl-O-Scream. Front seat (as always).
-Mike B.
Son of Hulk
*** This post was edited by Vater 6/5/2003 2:51:04 PM ***

Batman & Robin: The Chillers launch and loops with the lapbar, now THATS incredible!

"If it's just us...seems like an awful waste of space." -Contact

In chronological order:

1981: The back seat on Montezooma's Revenge freaked me out on the backward trip though the loop, and again at the top of the back spike. I was 11.

1985: Paragon Park. I was so surprised by the steep angle of Giant Coaster's first drop that I could feel my eyes bugging out of my head. I spent the rest of the ride laughing about what I must have looked like at that moment. Too bad they didn't have on-ride photos back then.

1986: The twisting double dip at the beginning of SFNE's Cyclone. We shook so violently during the turn, I thought the car had lost a wheel.

1990: I started to grey out on the Edmonton Mindbender's second steep climb, immediately following the double loop.

1993: I expected the inverted loop on Fun Forest's Windstorm to be a wimpy version of a similar element on the Mindbender. This is a classic case of low expectations leading to a pleasant surprise. Its small size is actually an advantage, allowing the trains whip through the maneuver in less than three seconds. The lack of OSR's doesn't hurt, either.

1. The Legend. Incredible lateral forces.

2. My first rollercoaster ride -age 6-The Great American Scream Machine

3. Millenium Force-first drop

4. Rampage-At night after a rain. Out of control.

5. The Raven-back seat

My exhilerating experiences (in no particular order):

* Hidden final inversion on Nemesis. If you didn't know the ride had four inversions, like I did when I first rode it, the last zero-g is awesome - its quick, low to the ground and completely unexpected.

* Four Zero-G rolls in a row partly over water on Colossus at Thorpe Park. The floating sensation is like nothing I have ever felt before and the nice thing is there is no headbanging or dizzyness that goes with it.

* Grand Nationals Double dip start. Best first drop of any ride I have been on without doubt.

* Laughing at Blackpool Pleasure Beach Wild Mouse on first impressions - then almost in tears from shock and utter disbelief after riding it. Never again!

* Seeing the whole structure of the suspended coaster Vortex @ Canada's Wonderland shake violently after hitting the final brakes, scary ending to an exciting ride.

* Tidal wave's splash at Thorpe Park - I bet there isn't a wetter ride out there. You get soaked while waiting in line in the partly submerged station, on the intilal impact from the drop, again seconds later from the water that went up in the air, again once the boat slows back down to minimal speed, and then a final time while you get out of your boat as the other one descends down the hill. There is no escpae - not even for the spectators who often view from a distance!

* The first time you go down the first drop on The Big One. The slow lift hill is great for building tension, then you begin to panic as reach the apex followed by being hurled over the top and sent crashing to the ground. If only the rest of the ride was as good.

* Apocalypse @ Drayton Manor. Best type of tower ride with good selection of seat designs to choose from - sit down, stand up and floorless. Along with Detonator, the only ride to make me scream.

* Backwards drop on Stormforce 10 water ride. You now have no chance of escaping from getting wet, and its not even that big too!

* Nemesis Inferno. The whole ride is good. Things to mention include the themeing, first drop into a tunnel which is before the lift hill, loop - zero-g combo, turnaround after second inversion, interlocking corkscrews and the two helixs. Absolutely fantastic!

my favorite experience has to be those insane laterals on Boulder Dash-especially on the far turnaround. It feels like the whole train is going to tear apart. just awesome.
1) first coaster- age 8 - raptor // front row
2) mf's first drop // front row
3) beast's helix
4) wicked twister // 2nd to last seat
5) magnum's 1st hill // beautiful view of the beach:-)

ttd will definitely be on my list when i ride it --
countdown til i go to CP: 8 days :-D

In no random order, my top 10...

1. TTD's launch.

2. The first time I rode Millennium Force.

3. The Beast at night.

4. Raging Bull back seat and in 2000 had a front seat ride in the dark just as the fireworks were going off in Hometown Square.

5. Alpengeist (and front seat night rides on this beast are amazing as there are no lights).

6. The first time I rode Montezooma's Revenge. Anton was a genius!

7. Indiana Jones at Disneyland - never knew a non-coaster ride could be THIS AWESOME!

8. Shock Wave at Paramount Canada's Wonderland. I want a Top Scan closer to home.

9. PKI's Delirium and Tomb Raider - both are a step above many of the flat rides I've ridden.

10. Big Bad Wolf in the back seat and being whipped off the second lift and down towards the Rhine River.

X Factor

Alright, alright, I've got a few more I've thought of:

1. That insane (really, unbelievably f'd up) headchopper on Ninja. Those who've been on it know what I mean. (SFStL)

2. Power Tower as you watch the ground fly out from under your feet. (CP)

3. The Plunge (Perilous Plunge, that is). (KBF)

4. All of SROS. Drop, air, helix, bunny hills, overbank. You name it. (SFNE)

5. Flying through the first turn of Speed. (Nascar cafe)

6. The whiplash on Rolling Thunder. (SFGAm, defunct)

7. Tower of Terror's bounces. Hell, the whole thing! (MGM)

8. Heart-in-your-Throat sensation of Giant Drop. (SFGAm)

9. Chubasco at Fright Fest in total darkness. (SFGAm)

10. Nitro's drop. For some reason, I remember this one as outstanding. (SFGAd)

Top 10: Ride of Steel (SFNE), Millennium Force, Batman (SFGAm), GhostRider, Raging Bull, Goliath, X-Flight, SUF (SFGAm), The Boss, Riddler
*** This post was edited by UTUKM 6/8/2003 5:06:06 PM ***

* Most exhilarating coaster experience ever was a front seat ride on Son of Beast on a very chilly November night the first year it was open. It was pitch black and that coaster was screaming fast. My subsequent rides have little chance of living up to that one!

* My first Stark Raven Mad a few years ago with numerous nighttime, moonless rides on Raven and Legend.

* The drop on the Tennessee Tornado from the back seat ... I scream like a little girl every time (and I have season passes, so that's a lot ;))

* Drop Zone at PKI, takes my breath every time

* Riding Xcelerator with a friend who is not a coaster fan, yet who loves the rush of speed. I watched her face the entire ride and she was loving it so much ... it was awesome. I love introducing people to new experiences!

No one ever mentions the 3rd hill on Titan. Last night it launched me out of my seat before it crested and I don't think I came down until the valley on the other side. I'm a big guy...the lap bar sets right on top of my belly button. Last night I was ejected...the bar wound up on my thighs, feet off the floor. I couldn't breath for the rest of the run, but it was worth it.
The most exhilarating parts of rides have to be Apollo's Chariot's first drop, third drop, drop off the brakes, and last drop (all in the back row), Superman SFA's first turn, Superman SFNE's first, second, and third camelbacks, and Talon's 0-G roll.
X, X, & X....It has them all beat, nothing else like it on the planet!!

Dive Devil is a distant second....

The best for me is driving up to the park and you see The Blue streak off to the left and Demon Drop and Distaster Transport rising up in the sky with the Space needle. Man any time you get to a park and you see that roller coaster or rollercoasters rising up in the air just daring you to get on and ride. Even at 33 i feel like I'm 10 again.

the air time in Blue Streak There is nothing like it I always remember riding it for the first time with no Belt because my dad was so big and it felt like I was going to float right out of the car.

Nothing has beat the rush I expereinced bungee jumping. Wow.

My first ride on a B & M (Kumba) was a pretty exhilarating ride b/c it was nothing I had ever experienced before.

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