Most anticipated coaster

Up here in Minnesota, everyone was obsessed with the fact that Wild Thing was being built at Valleyfair! It was on the news all the time and the newspapers had lots of articles about it, and one had it on the front page. Also all the local news sites were constantly adding stories about it.

My most anticipated coaster would be Millennium Force.

Cedar Fair hates valleyfair... boohoo.
Titan, nuff' said!

"Maybe I ain't so shy!"
Personally, Phantom's Revenge.

You'd be amazed at the number of people around here (Southwestern Pennsylvania) don't know about the SP/PR conversion.

So, of course, I take the brochure (Thank you, CoasterBash!) around and preach the good word. ;)

Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
Get serious, everyone! We all know the most anticipated coaster ever is Goliath Jr.!

Seriously, though, I'd put my vote with "X".

"If you can't keep up with the conversation, I suggest you stay out of it..." Hannibal Lecter

SFMM's X all the way! Followed closely by Hypersonic.
2001- the year of flight!
Since Titan will be my first hyper, Im rooting for TITAN!
I'm with G-Man, that Jr. Goliath at SFMM is gonna be one intense coaster. OK, maybe not...

Probably Wildfire because it's close enough I can get in lots of rides on it. Also Titan because it's kinda close. *** This post was edited by StandUpFan on 3/26/2001. ***
beast7369's avatar
Deja Vu.......Deja Vu.......Who can resist hanging face down on a vertical plane before being released to rush through several inversions and then to only do it again....BACKWARDS.

What is life without it's ups and downs
***MSN Messenger = ***
For what I believe to be the fourth time in the past few months, I'm gonna go with Nitro. It's a great gimmick-free design that is sure to be an airtime machine.
Well, that's ignorant...

It's spelled T-I-T-A-N!


"Maybe I ain't so shy!" *** This post was edited by The Shy One on 4/3/2001. ***

Lynch said:
"Personally, Phantom's Revenge.

You'd be amazed at the number of people around here (Southwestern Pennsylvania) don't know about the SP/PR conversion.

So, of course, I take the brochure (Thank you, CoasterBash!) around and preach the good word. ;)

Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard

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The people next to me in line for Hypersonic were talking about how their home park is Kennywood, and they are mad that Kennywood is taking Steel Phantom out even though its only three years old.

I wasn't even going to touch that one! I had a quiet laugh and kept my mouth shut! I wonder if there wasn't too much press about it in PA that the general public would have seen.
- Peabody
Jeff's avatar

"Most people can't wait for it."
Yes, school teachers, firemen, bankers and chemists from all over the world are talking about it on a daily basis with their friends and family, and fueling an amazing frenzy at sites like CoasterBuzz.

Jeff (who has read the last superlative thread he can stand this evening)
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