Most Airtime On A Looper

What looper has the most airtime?
Haven't been on all of them, but out of the one's I have done, I hafta say the ejector airtime on SFOT's Swartzkopf masterpiece Shockwave is unbelievable. It only has the two big loops at the beginning, and the only restraint used is a lap bar. The rest of the ride features a series of near stand up ejector airtime drops, and a few hairpin curves thrown in. So with no horse collars, it's of the few loopers I've done that gives me bruises, it throws you into the lap bar so violently, totally awesome! They call Anton a madman for the intense positive g's his loopers deliver, Shockwave has to be one of his best airtime monsters. *** This post was edited by Draco on 8/31/2000. ***
Vortex. At the corkscrew's mostly but there is a whip coming out of the top of the crest that gives major airtime if you are near the front.

Fire Dragon, on the crest over Ice's in-line twist. I came flying out of my seat, even with the OTSR's. Totally suprised me.
Parks for 2000: SFEG,IOA,MGM,WDW,PGA,SFMW,SCBB,Lakeside.
The most airtime that I can remember getting on a looper is the Corkscrew at Cedar Point in the front seat. I was out of my seat most of the ride. It was incredible.

It is awsome being on the very back seat on Corkscrew, because it whips you over the hill and the second hill gives you incredible airtime!
ShiveringTim's avatar
Here here! CP Corkscrew has loads of air on the second hill, especially up front. There's nothing like hearing all that change rattle around in the nose of the train :)

Back seat of PKI Vortex on the first hill has a lot of float all the way down, plus quite a bit coming off the mids.

Scott W. Short
CP's Corkscrew. The secound hill is the best.

SFO's Batman. Not only does it have good airtime, but has good airtime on the brake run.

"...If We don't get you there in five minutes we don't get you there at all. ~Dispatch Master Tran
Hands down Fire Dragon's camel back!!!

The new KING of coasters:
SFNE Superman
CP's Corkcrew 2nd hill and Fire Dragon hill.
Fire Dragon's Camelback over Ice's Zero-G roll.

Parks for 2000: CP, Great Escape, Great Adventure, SFA, Islands of Adventure, Kennywood
In my mind it would have to be the second hill on the steel phantom. If you let go of the restrainst you will float all the way down.
King Cobra at PKI in the back seat, along with the Vortex in the back also produce a huge amount of airtime.


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