Morey's Pier 5/4/02

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It took about two hours to drive down from SFGAdv to Wildwood, NJ. I could see one of the piers as I drove into town. I found a parking lot near one of the piers and paid my three bucks to park and it was off to the first pier that I came to.

I decided to go the unlimited ride route and paid 30 bucks for a wristband instead of buying tickets. I figured I could get more bang for my buck since I might even ride a few flats if I had time.

#145 Doo Whopper: This is a wild mouse coaster made by Zamperla that is themed to look like a food stand. I am not sure why I enjoy mouse coasters so much. I was not disapointed by Doo Whooper. I enjoyed it so much that I decided to take another spin since there was no line what so ever for it.

#146 Rollies Coaster: This is a Pinfari coaster. Not much to say about it. Just another credit.

#147 Sea Serpent: This was the first standard sitdown boomerang that I had ever rode. I had been to a few parks that had these but they were either closed or being worked on. I have to say that it was fun to ride one finally, but one time is enough all I wanted after my one spin.

#148 RC-48: This is another Pinfari coaster that stands were the Jet Star use to stand I think. Correct me if I am incorrect. Once again it is nothing to write home about.

#149 Flitzer: This might be what you would call a kiddie coaster but I found it enjoyable. I even decided to take another spin before leaving.

#150 Great Nor'Easter: Another one of those SLC that seem to be everywhere, but add to the fact that it is built around a water slide adds to it. Now I am not saying it is smooth as glass cause it has it's rough spots. The adding effect of head choopers adds abit to it. still only good for one ride though.

#151 Great White: Another great creation from CCI. This has to be the best coaster at Morey's. It is one of those woodies that has steel supports and rides great. The plunge from the station under the pier to the lift hill starts what is a great ride from start to finish. This is a must ride if you go.

While I was there I walked over to the pier that at one time was called Dinosaur Beach. I thought I would be asked to leave after I walked past the go carts since I noticed there was alot of ride parts laying everywhere. There was no signs to tell me to leave or stop. I saw some guy working on a go cart and I decided to ask if I could keep on walking back and he said sure but be careful. I was mainly heading to take some pics of the Golden Nugget Mine Train. I looked the ride over from the outside and took a few snapshots, but did not venture on the ride.

Then it was time for a gyro and a coke and then the long drive home. It was a toatal round trip of 1797 miles from my start friday morning till sunday mid morning. Maybe I should start taking planes, but why should I when I can drive.

It is hard to think that last year at this time I only had a track record of 35 coaster rode at this time. What a year of coasters riding and I even see #200 by the end of July.

See you at the park.


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