More women check out than men

More women than men checked out than men did last week. All the mom's must be checking where they can take there kids to get them out of there hair LOL.

Army rangers lead the way *** This post was edited by supermandl on 6/8/2001. ***
Umm, how do they know? I know counters can read comp info and stuff, but the gender of the user?

Top Gun: The Jet Coaster Flights in 2001: 34
Coaster Tracks Ridden: 50
Good point how are they finding this out.

Army rangers lead the way
I actually find that interesting, since we all know the majority of CoasterBuzz memebers are guys.

...which kinda sucks. ;)

Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
How would they know? They didn't ask me.

Danny, who was on almost everyday last week looking at the attractions at SFWoA, SFA, SFEG, SFAW, SFFT,and SFGAdv

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