
Who are the mods and how do you become one? *** This post was edited by force312 on 4/12/2001. ***
janfrederick's avatar
"We are the mods the mods the mods..."

Decisions determine destiny; Destiny determines decisions.
No, I just wanted to know who they all are really.
I know that its Jeff...
Go under the About Section of the site, and you should find your answer. As for becoming a mod I think that was determined a long time ago in a galaxy far far away...

Randy Hutchinson
You build it, I'll ride it...eventually
janfrederick's avatar
Sorry, I'm curious too. Yah...they have bios here.

Hey, looks like someone just did a little housecleaning here... ;)

Decisions determine destiny; Destiny determines decisions. *** This post was edited by janfrederick on 4/12/2001. ***
God bless the moderators.
Jeff's avatar
You bet your sweet bippy... it's spring cleaning!

The mods are all early members of the site or people I trust.

Webmaster/Admin -
I think it would be great to be a moderator! :)
4/11/01 First snow day for BVSD schools in 8 years!
And the cleaning job looks beautiful. I guess you have to give out quizzes and tests now Jeff just to make sure they read the Agreement. I think they're fun to read, but maybe it's just *me*. lol

And I should be a moderator, because I'm smarter than all of you and know that Cedar Point is a "mistake" and will close all posts that give them a hint of recognition. Watch your back! Koaster King is gonna reak some havak and have his vengance!

;) :) ;) :) ;)
PKI-Midwest's Premier Theme and Water Park-Wooden and Kiddie Coaster Capital of the World!
You are the Weakest Link! Goodbye!!! 4-9-01:Hyperbuzzer *** This post was edited by Koaster King on 4/12/2001. ***
As much as I would love to be a moderator, I think the site has just the right amount. If Jeff was to assign many more people, the sense of security we now enjoy would start to be a bit more intrusive. Besides, the last thing he needs is 3000 people asking to become a moderator.

Acme Forum Signature v3.0
Jephry's avatar
The people of Coaster Buzz should elect a Moderator. No recount jokes PLEASE

Best Coaster: Millennium Force
Worst Coaster: Project Stealth
Man Koaster King, you're not going to be happy until Cedar Point permanently closes, are you? ;)

- Peabody

Jephry said:
"The people of Coaster Buzz should elect a Moderator. No recount jokes PLEASE

Best Coaster: Millennium Force
Worst Coaster: Project Stealth"

Darn it! There goes my Florida jokes I had ready. LOL!:)
Bill Yost a.k.a. THE BEASTmaster

Can you take me higher? (CREED)
I'm sorry Peabody. I never knew this was I don't know if I'll ever win the respect back from my fellow buzzers. :( I'll just have to bite my tong...hand next time. That's find though. At least I understand myself.

CP is Number 1! Let's celebrate! (think that'll get 'em) ;)

PKI-Midwest's Premier Theme and Water Park-Wooden and Kiddie Coaster Capital of the World!
You are the Weakest Link! Goodbye!!! 4-9-01:Hyperbuzzer
I'm just kidding, man. :) To each his own.

- Peabody
I know. I love jokes. Even when I'm the burden of one, lol.

P.S. No you're not going crazy. That is not a link to a real site. Sorry. I know you all were oozing with anticpiation.
PKI-Midwest's Premier Theme and Water Park-Wooden and Kiddie Coaster Capital of the World!
You are the Weakest Link! Goodbye!!! 4-9-01:Hyperbuzzer *** This post was edited by Koaster King on 4/12/2001. ***
Koaster King.
Look at it this way. I am the only mod on this site who hasnt been to CP. Which means I wont rip on it or praise it.


Koaster King said:
"I'm sorry Peabody. I never knew this was I don't know if I'll ever win the respect back from my fellow buzzers. :( I'll just have to bite my tong...hand next time. That's find though. At least I understand myself.
CP is Number 1! Let's celebrate! (think that'll get 'em) ;)

Actually, Koaster King, that would be the CoasterBuzz sister site at :)

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
Don't show me the evil CP site that is never updated and poorly moderated. Maybe you need to help out with your team over there Jeff. ;) ;)

(music)"Cedar Point will move you, will move you, Get to the Point!"(music) Anyone ever buy that video? LOL! I loved it!

PKI-Midwest's Premier Theme and Water Park-Wooden and Kiddie Coaster Capital of the World!
You are the Weakest Link! Goodbye!!! 4-9-01:Hyperbuzzer
I have a question for you mod-wanna-be's. Why? It's more work! Why not just read the site, use it, and enjoy it? Do you really want to be obligated to come here for hours and sift through new messages (lol. I do it anyways to find funny stuff before the mods delete it. But thats not work)
So, why would you want to be a mod? It's just another job, and one that doesn't pay, at that! (I'm not sure about that, but I doubt you'd get payed for it.) Are those 4 little links below the submit/spell check buttons really worth it?
V2, Deja Vu... how can it be better? Add Viper! Oh, wait. It's already there!

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