Model Coasters

Before I send this to Jeff and he tells me my idea stinks (again), I thought I'd try here to see what anyone else said first.

Does anyone have experience or interest in building model coaster (or other model rides)? Are there enough interested people to start a forum title? We are building a model amusement park, and can't find any really good forums on same.
Jeff's avatar
What do you mean "again?" When have I ever said your idea stinks? Just because I might disagree about something doesn't mean I said your idea "stinks." Don't take it personally.

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A built a little model coaster. Now I am working on a Magnum model.
I have built Wildcat, Lightning Racer, and Roar east. I'm working on Gwanzi now.

I need help also. I am in currently constructing a wooden model coaster with balsa supports. It does not work, and thats just the problem. I can't figure out what to use and how to do it. Iv'e found some websites concerning this topic, and they eaither feature non-working coasters like I am attempting right now, or coasters that I need to be able to have acess to lots and lots of shop tools and a whole lot of PVC. If any one can aid me on this, please post. Thanks.

Ride 'Till you drop
I would also like some info on this, especially how to model a steel coaster to a small scale... I know for a woodie balsa wood looks great, but what about a steelie?

What's life if you never get to the Point?
I have a German made steel coaster model. I got it from Ebay about a year ago. The lift mechanism is a long spring that rotates with a small motor. The spring works like a screw that turns and moves the train up the lift. The car has a little piece of metal that sticks down to catch the spring. Hope that helps with the lift problem.

I use a can opener for the lift. Try the site
Search around the site you will find a page all about how he made his model coaster. I am working on a steel model(Magnum). I use pvc for the spine and tubing for the rails. If anyone has any more questions post them.
Oh and by the way I use 1:20 scale. has some info on model coasters as well as forums. unfortunatly, I haven't found any useful information. There seems to be more questions then answers. It does focus on *operating* models which is a nice switch from some of the static models I've seen around. I would use basswood instead of balsa for most of the coaster. It costs a bit more but it looks more realistic. It is also easier work with when shaping small detailed parts. If you don't mind compromising a little on realism, I've heard some people get good results using model railroad flex track. It seems to blend in pretty well for a wood coaster. The trains are built up on model railroad wheelsets and truck frames. Kadee has what is probably the highest quality (and most expensive) of these. They offer their wheels in HO scale only. If you want N scale, you'll have to buy an entire train car and remove the wheels. has an online catalog of just about every model railroad product. I built some rides from IHC kits and later scratchbuilt several others. IHC models, while not the highest quality, run reasonably well and are relatively inexpensive, they may have been discontinued but many hobby shops still have some in stock. is another source of inexpenive flat rides, I've never tried their products so I can't vouch for their quality. also carries a lot of tools and model building supplies, including small motors, miniature chains, plastic, metal and wood stock and structural parts, etc.
Amusement park modeling is a great way to spend the winter when the real thing is closed. They are also a great addition to an existing model railroad layout.

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Walthers also has a couple coasters. We're building the pink one, and calling it the Pink Panther.

Don't tell me about the prototype!
I used to buy the wood supports and tubing for my coaster. I am also working on a mini park. So far I have a working monorail, coaster, ferris wheel,and a model train.
Are those walthers coasters the Faller Wild Mouse and Big Dipper? What prototype?

A few years ago I had a lot of fun messing around with Bandai's Spacewarp set. I believe this is no longer made. Doesn't look like a *real* coaster but it is a really neat thing to play around with.

Does Walthers sell models pre-built or in kits. If so, PLEASE PLEASE send me a link. Thank you.

Ride 'Till you drop
Yes they do go to
Check Ebay before you buy from Walthers. I found the Big Dipper model on Ebay for around $112 instead of $150 or whatever Walthers wants for it. The kit was brand new too. Every once in a while I see the Wild Mouse model on Ebay too. I didn't see either kits for a while but they pop up now and then.

Parks hit for 2000!
Soggy's avatar
I just bought the Faller Wild Mouse (on eBay, thanks coasterpunk, I saved $60) It is pretty cool.

WARNING This is a serious model, 678 individual pieces. You will not be able to simply snap this together in a couple of sittings. I have very little model building experience, so this looks to be a daunting task. Once complete, this will be awesome, it is practically photo-realistic in the amount of detail it has. There were plenty more available on eBay.

So you want a coaster in your backyard? I hope you have a big backyard.
i realy like the log flume ride.i think im going to order it.
I'm still working on my model I started about 2 years ago. I would have finished it long ago but I decided to paint all the parts first. I wanted it to resemble the red and white paint job the Lazer at Dorney had a few years ago. The station parts looked pretty crappy so I tried to use laquer thinner to get the paint off and it melted the parts. The worst part is I need to mail out to Germany to get the new parts. :(

2000 stats: 135 coasters in 26 parks
Not Too Shabby For A Summer

AOL & MSN IM Name: coasterpunk
Millrace has some great tips there......I personally have been doing this for 15 years. Please go to my website and look at my model page. There isn't a lot there, but I will have more as I go along. I've completed several rides in N scale (half the size of H.O.). Very hard indeed! But most of them are scratchbuilt and work, including the bug, log flume, skyride and scrambler shown on my site. The ferris wheel and carousel are the two IHC kits available. The skywheel you see is an IHC, modified and detailed as well.

As far as coasters.......I built the Faller Big Dipper, but with a loop and a completely unique design (don't try that at home kids!). I have also built static (non-operating) wood coasters, in addition to an O scale (twice the size of H.O) operating one, similar to a John Allen junior layout. These rides fit well into model railroad scenes, but also look good alone, providing they have a setting around them. Overall, I must say that theming and scenery are just as important as the ride itself. But, my pride and joys are my loopers, which are still in development. They are 1:24 scale, and are very ARROW-like (wonder why!). I am starting that series with a shuttle (Screamin' Demon), and eventually doing a larger, multi-inversion layout with theming (like the DEMON at Great America in Illinois). I also plan to venture into making a working suspended someday (NOT called a Demon!).

I will also pass along a link to a great modeler that showed me it IS possible to do anything!! Mike Graham of Cincinnati has a 6-inversion, operating Arrow looper that is currently traveling with a special physics tour to different science museums. It will be in Pittsburgh soon. He also completed a working inverted that runs above people's heads in an ice cream shop in Colorado. For more info, visit his site:

Andrew.....hope your Maggie turns out great! T愀琀 爀椀搀攀 愀氀漀渀攀 椀猀 眀漀爀琀栀 琀栀攀 搀爀椀瘀攀 琀漀 䌀倀℀ 㰀戀爀㸀 㰀戀爀㸀ⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀ 㰀戀爀㸀䴀夀 匀䤀吀䔀㨀 㰀戀爀㸀㰀愀 栀爀攀昀㴀∀栀琀琀瀀㨀⼀⼀眀眀眀⸀愀渀最攀氀昀椀爀攀⸀挀漀洀⼀漀栀㐀⼀琀欀㄀㜀㌀∀ 琀愀爀最攀琀㴀∀开戀氀愀渀欀∀㸀眀眀眀⸀愀渀最攀氀昀椀爀攀⸀挀漀洀⼀漀栀㐀⼀琀欀㄀㜀㌀㰀⼀愀㸀  㰀戀爀㸀䘀椀爀猀琀 爀甀氀攀 漀昀 匀琀漀爀洀琀爀漀漀瀀攀爀猀㨀 倀攀攀 䈀䔀䘀伀刀䔀 礀漀甀 瀀甀琀 漀渀 琀栀攀 甀渀椀昀漀爀洀℀

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