Mission space(1 hour show)

On discovery channel I saw this ad for mission space that I think is coming out on a thursday and starts at 8 but not sure. Has anyone seen this ad and know when it airs?

Family Guy: "Oh no,Oh no, Oh no, Oh no, Oh yeah"

Damn beat me to it Will!
I hope I don't forget about this! I'm still a bit confused as to what exactly Mission Space does.

2003 Raptor Rides: 246
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It spins around in circles. ;)

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rollergator's avatar
...not the most nauseating simulator I've been on, but not too far from it....;)
Tact is for people not intelligent enough to comprehend sarcasm...;)
Isnt it a huss giant top spin like tr:tr just with upgraded disney accessories?

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I've just got back from Florida and after reading all the hype about Mission Space was really looking forward to it. but was left very dissapointed. I didnt think it had any re-rideability. There are no different ending even if you don't push the buttons the computer over-rides it. The G-forces are quite intense. But thats it the film isnt even amazing. Surely the could have spent $100 million in better ways after all its just a simulator.
Ok. Does anyone know if there is a show about this or not? I could not find any info online about it.
I checked some sites on the internet and I couldn't find anything. Maybe next week...?

"Everything that has a beginning, has an end"
~Matrix Revolutions

Mission space is a NASA grade Centrifuge. intense ride, total re rideability

I am one.
I am Turbo.
Top Thrill in the front row... anything else is lame

Isnt it a huss giant top spin like tr:tr just with upgraded disney accessories?

Nope, not at all. As Turbo said, its a centrifuge (similar to what astronauts train in).
*** This post was edited by Great America 10/23/2003 10:27:56 AM ***

the cool part is when you encounter the asteroid field, and the cars feel like they swing left and right as you spin.

I am one.
I am Turbo.
Top Thrill in the front row... anything else is lame

The show is MythBusters. It's actually a pretty cool show! The guys are just nuts and unfortunately remind me of my high school days.

I checked the Discovery website but unfortunately I couldn't find any info on the show. I have seen the commercial for it, and really hope I didn't miss it!

"Afterward, services resumed for about 20 minutes until the congregation realized the church was on fire." - www.channel3000.com

Turbo said:
the cool part is when you encounter the asteroid field, and the cars feel like they swing left and right as you spin.

They do.

What do I Listen-To?
Hot stuff.

Who made this ride one of my friends was bent on it that it was a huss ride.

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My life is spent in between metal railing, where I stand for hours just to sit down for 3 minutes then to get up and do it allover again.

The Mole's avatar
ETC Entertianment. Never heard of them? Neither have I untill M:S. BTW guys, it's not a actuall show, but small segments between space themed shows. I actually REALLY liked M:S, I thought it was possably the best new ride this year, next to TTD, but I havn't ridden that yet.

The Mole

I beleive the show is on Myth Busters and is a three hour special, they will also bust the space myth's of todays world. I don't know when it is, but I think it's friday...
Holly crap. IT WAS ON TONIGHT!!!!!!! Thursday!

The Mole's avatar
Don't worry, it wasn't anyting. It was just something called a buffer show, where they showed little segments between shows.

The Mole

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