MIchigans Adventure web site.....

Don't know if anyone else noticed this but the website has a slightly new look. The main page is now featuring Shivering Timbers =) Not sure if this has anything to do with the Golden Ticket Awards. It says below the ST logo "Worlds Best Wooden Coaster" granted it got 2 on that poll but oh well ;)

WARNING: You are no longer who you were and tomorrow is now yesterday. In the event of an emergency, do not become alarmed. Move Quickly to the nearest exit.
They ought to feature Shivering Timbers. It's their only claim to fame. I cannot imagine any other reason to drive to the park unless you live close by and it's your closest amusement facility.
john peck's avatar
Corkscrew is a reason for me to drive 6 hours to MiA
I rather enjoyed my roast beef sandwich from Arby's there close to the interstate... a LOT MORE THAN I enjoyed MiA. :(
It changed a while back. Also, notice at the top of the page it says "MIadventure.com", would that be because Michigan's Adventure also own another Michigan's Adventure related domain to my knowledge.

Feeltheforce312's RCT Site - http://www.feeltheforce312.tk
the new logo is the same logo on the Timber Fest shirts, and shirts available in the corner store. They ubdated the site about a month ago, complete with the new logo.

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