Michigan's Adventure, 5/27/02

Associated parks:

We arrived at MA early in the morning. Because the computer at guest services was down, MA walked my daughters and I into the park.
Our first destination was Shivering Timbers. Due to the lack of people there we were able to quickly ride both the front and back seats. While the front seat has impressive visuals, the back seat is just too wild. The back seat is definately the place to be.

From there we went to the Wolverine(Tastes like Chicken) Wildcat. The retracked portions of this coaster are great. However, sitting in the back of this ride is just too painful.

From here we rode a few flat rides. Among them was the new Dodgems ride from CP. They were only running 12 vehicles so there was plenty of room to move around and set up your next shot. THis was a blast.

Next up was the Mad Mouse. For some reason, this ride seemed faster than last year and we all had a lot of fun on it.

Well, now it was time for lunch. After seeing that the burger meals were $7.00 plus extra for lettuce tomatoe and cheese, we decided to leave the park and have lunch at Subway. Thank goodness for the parking pass.

After lunch, we went to the water park. On the way we rode Zack's Zoomer which is a terrific junior coaster. At the end of this ride we were subjected to a tremendous jolt, and we were stuck on the ride until the could fix it. Then on to Corkscrew, which looks beautiful, but is still just as rough as ever.

We finally arrived at the waterpark. Our first stop here was the new hydroblaster. This ride is terrific. I prefer the black side. It's pitch black and very disorienting. Be warned, the hype about this being a dry ride is wrong. This ride is very wet. They only had the main wave pool open and not many people were there. After about an hour, we went back to the main park.

We noticed that they had opened BeBop Blvd. This ride is so noisy, that you can't here the in car radio. The most fun part of this ride was playing with the horn.

From here we rode Mad Mouse and Shivering timbers a few more times. Finally we went home. We all had a great day. Many improvements have been made to the landscaping. There seems to be more trees. Also, for the most part food prices aren't too bad here. Bottled soft drinks are only $2.00, french fries and funnel cakes are $3.00. However, Dipping Dots are $3.75.

Dippin Dots are $3.95 at CP.....................great TR though!

Good Times!! Good Times!!

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