Michigan's Adventure - 7/11/05

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I decided to visit MA. I am already in west Michigan visiting relatives and visiting the beaches and lighthouse of west Michigan. The trip to MA is about 50 minutes from Grand Rapids.

I did not go to the park at the time of opening. I arrived at the park aroun 12:45pm. I was pleasantly suprised to see that the parking lot was about 2/3 full.

I got many trips on Shivering Timbers. I enjoyed the smoothness of the front of the train but the back of the train delivers an action packed ride. Not to rough to be uncomfortable. If you like the speed and airtime ride in the back.

I rode the other coasters and flats in the park. All were running fine and the park employees were very pleasant.

The water park was packed and impossible to get to.

It was nice to see this park very busy on a Monday.

I should add a few things. First, my apologies for all of the typos. Second, I would highly recommend packing a lunch. The food is expensive, drinks are tolerable, but the food "combos" are between $6.50 & $8.00 and very limited in terms of variety. This park is super clean, small, and without a trip to the water park, can easily be done in about 3 1/2 to 4 hours. I would recommend the park to families and others who are just looking for a nice outing.
CPLady's avatar
The waterpark is awesome...even better than Soak City IMO, which is why on a nice hot day you'll get mutliple rides on all the rides, including Timbers. Most of the guests are in the waterpark.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

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