Associated parks:
Got to the park around 7pm and eventually met up with STChick. In the two hours left before closing we:
- Rode Timbers a bunch of times
- Got sick on Drummer Boy (double ride!)
- Watched Beebop break down ("It's a Morgan ride and it's broken...go figure!")
- Got a solo ride on Corkscrew
- Rode Timbers for last ride of the night in the front seat.
Overall, lots and lots of fun and laughs.
The end.
James Draeger
-Proud co-founder of the Coasterbuzz street team
*** This post was edited by ACEerCG on 7/15/2002. ***
Ah...STChick strikes again with Drummer Boy! Kara and Drummer Boy redefines the term "spin'n'puke"
I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead
CPLady said:
Ah...STChick strikes again with Drummer Boy! Kara and Drummer Boy redefines the term "spin'n'puke"
hmmm...........that must be an interesting sight to see.........I just relized I have never rode that ride.....
“If you give a enthusiast a footer.......He’ll want a coaster!!!"
You're right, CPLady :o)
As quoted from during our first ride together earlier this season:
"I'm going to puke! I'm going to get off this ride and just puke everywhere!"
James Draeger
-Proud co-founder of the Coasterbuzz street team
338 laps on ST
My worst day fishing is better than my best day at work....
my worst day coastering is better than my best day fishing.
For those of you who care...we hit up the moutain today, got some great rides and it was an awesome park...onto DCA tomorrow:)! Peace out from SoCal!
-FCR(not really)
I'd Rather Be Riding Roller Coasters
“If you give a enthusiast a footer.......He’ll want a coaster!!!"
I'm so jealous, Kara!! Glad to hear you are having a good time.
Heh...I wish I'd had my camera with me to catch you collapsed in the midway, Brad. How does it feel to have an old lady survive Kara and DB better than YOU did?
I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead
Good Times!! Good Times!!
I think I might give Kara a run for her money on Drummer Boy. When I went, the ride op told me she never saw them spun so fast.
"Some people spend an entire LIFETIME wondering if they made a DIFFERENCE. The MARINES don't have that problem." -President Reagan 1985
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