MF's Brake Run

Ride of Steel's avatar
I was wondering, why is Millennium's break run before the blocks so loud? I though that magnets are supposed to be silent. And since they are fixed breaks there shouldn't be compressed air pushing them into position.

Anyone know why?

You got yo clear ur goin outta here!

Jeff's avatar
I don't think they're loud, but the alignment is obviously not perfect, so there's a little bit of knocking. You can see which blades aren't lined up perfectly becasuse they have scuff marks on them.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - -
"The world rotates to The Ultra-Heavy Beat!" - KMFDM

Mamoosh's avatar
You want loud try standing in the station when a Schwarzkopf shuttle loop - like Monty - come to a stop. I've seen it scare little kids!

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Ride of Steel's avatar
Jeff you are right they aren't really loud but they do make some noise

You got yo clear ur goin outta here!

I went in 2000, and I considered them LOUD. It got annoying because it would interrupt the conversation whenever a train would enter them.

The Schwarzkopf brakes are worse, though. ;)

Is that a Q-bot in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

Oh loud shmoud
King Cobra, Now that was loud down in the Q right beside the brakes.

Charles Nungester.
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Draegs's avatar
Those TOGO stand-ups make some weird braking noises!

James Draeger
-Captain Sarcasm (aka Sour Boy)

Just a pet peeve of mine. The word break and brake are two different words. When referring to the thing/s that stop the coaster you should use the word "brake". When referring to a pause in the action of a coaster you should use the word "break". That concludes I-Fan's dictionary lesson for the day.
This is counter culture from the underground eternal revolution this is our sound KMFDM better than the best Megalomaniacal and harder than the rest
Mamoosh's avatar
There was a mechanic who always went running during his breaks. While he was on his break run the brakes on the brake-run broke. He got an emergency page while on his break run and ran back to fix the brake-run brakes. After fixing the brake-run brakes he finished his break run.

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Vater's avatar
Did he ever break-dance while on his break after his break run?

Take a ride...

Mamoosh's avatar
He used to break-dance, but he took a break from that and started running.

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While taking a break from break dancing on his break, he foolishly decided to run on his break on the brake run. But then he fell and ended up having a severe break in his tibia and had to take a break from all physical broke his heart...

--George H
---Superman the ride...coming to a SF park near you soon...
Currency tracking experiment... (Referring to The "George" on the $1 bill - Not Me)
*** This post was edited by redman822 1/31/2003 2:15:27 PM ***

Probably for the best because he might brake his back from all that break-dancing during his break run.

Chris Tyson

You say he was a mechanic...did the park also have a Break Dance? You know that ride has brakes, too!

There are two or three noises associated with the brakes on Millennium Force. First and most obvious, the magnetic brake system, at high speeds generates a humming noise. Second, the fins are not precisely aligned, and so the fins can scrape on the magnets. Finally, there is a plate cover that attaches to the tops of the magnets, and that seems to rattle a little as the magnets and track vibrate.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

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