Millennium force rules = upswing.
Montu isn't good = downswing.
There. Perfect for my liking.
Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."
-Nate (who says Mondu is the lamest of the inverted coasters)
*** Edited 12/19/2003 3:08:27 AM UTC by coasterdude318***
In all my rides on Montu I've never come to a dead stop. Slowed down a lot yeah, but that's what happens when people can't take high G's...the ending flatspin still packs a nice punch, and the first half is better than almost every other inverted out there (I haven't ridden Katun or Pyrenees yet for comparison sake).
Montu roxors my boxors. The end.
Regardless, anyone got a screen capture of the invert?
Oh, and no I don't have a screen capture of the coasters in question on Sports Center, but I doubt it was all that fascinating. :)
Montu's first half is decent. It's not excellent, but it's average. The batwing is wondeful, however. Then comes the midcourse, and the near sleep-inducing second half. Montu's second half is the epitome of "forceless." Okay, so I enjoy Montu's setting and the batwing. But that doesn't make a ride for me, especially when the rest of the ride literally is nothing. I like forceful rides. Montu is not forceful (not even close in its present form anyway). Therefore, I don't like Montu.
But hey, why should I care what someone who rates Nitro - another winner in the "forceless and boring" caterogy - as his #1 thinks? ;)
-Nate (who experienced a harder midcourse stop on Montu than on any other coaster on the planet on every single visit)
And you should care what I think because I can beat you up. So there.
Joe, who if he hears coasterDUD318 say one more bad thing about my beloved Montu, might just have to open a can of whooptooshie
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