Metal detectors at theme parks

Six Flags Great America started using metal detectors at the front gate for the start of the 1999 season. From what I hear this is the only SF park that has them. Are there any other parks out there that use them and what do you think when going through one of them at a theme park? It is a pain because you wait in a long line to buy a ticket and now you wait in a long line going through the metal detectors. They are also strict because if you know about going through them (whether its a courthouse or an airport) every little thing sets it off. SFGAm does the same practice after this, they pull you to the side and use the hand held scanning device on you. To me it sucks. Even if you never went through this share your thoughts if they should be doing this.
ShiveringTim's avatar
Great Adventure also has metal detectors. I'm not sure, but I think that Magic Mountain also has them. For non Six Flags parks, I know Kennywood has metal detectors.

Scott W. Short
there are only two words to explain the reason for metal detectors...gang activity. SFGAm has, in the recent past, had gang-related stabbings and POSSIBLY a shooting. since it is a family park, their first priority is keeping the GP safe. the irony of it is, they have not found any weapons since the installation of the detectors. they HAVE, however, found a LOT of drugs. my boyfriend says he will NEVER go back to SFGAm BECAUSE of the metal detectors. he heard from a friend that it took him 90 minutes just to get through the gate. when i went this past year, it only took an extra 5 minutes or so. so i really don't care, except trying to explain a fanny pack full of hard candies(to fight off "coaster mouth") and NOT have my ZZ Top keychain set them off is quite the battle...LOL!!!
I think that metal detectors at a park make me feel safer and I am willing to wait that extra time at the gate for that security.
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kpjb's avatar
It really doesn't take any time to go through them, and it assures you that no looney is going to shoot someone on a coaster. It's a sad sign of the times, but it's necessary in some areas.

I refuse to add a signature. Damn, too late.
SFNE has 'em. I hate 'em. Thay also have security inspections of any bag you take into the park, and they will deny admittance to anyone who attempts to bring a bagged lunch into the park. I usually just walk right past. ;)

"If we built a ride that everyone wanted to ride, it would be called an elevator, and that's not an amusement ride."
-Stan Checketts, S&S Power
I went to Paramount's Kings Dominion last summer and they had metal detectors. It didn't really bother my that much though.

Todd Steffey
# 1 ~ Alpengeist - BGW
# 2 ~ Volcano - PKD
# 3 ~ American Eagle - SFGAm
Yes, Magic Mountain has them. Kennywood has the hand inspection. I laughed when the guard opened my purse, because all I had ws loose cash & he was VERY uncomfortable handling that -- I asked him if he thought I'd brought enough money . . .
Hey, TPNE Guy, omg! How do you think they stop terrorists and murdereds from being guns and knives into SFNE????

SROS at SFNE, the #1 steelie
I hate 'em too. If they were fast they'd be okay, but everywhere I've been they're a major delay. The smallest, stupidest things do set them off, and people will sometimes have to pass through multiple times. On our Texas SF trip my friend who wears steel-toed boots was pulled aside and searched at all three parks, even after he explained to them what the trouble was and they used the smaller detector thing on him. I'd just as soon have a few poor folks shot each year than have millions put up with that crap (ok, that's overboard, but you get the idea).

I've brought lunch into every park I've ever been to and have never been stopped for it or told I couldn't bring it in. They search our backpack and can't possibly miss it, but I guess where I've been they just don't care. SFNE would SUCK for me if they wouldn't let me bring food. No way I'm paying those inflated prices for a simple meal...

Home Park: Silver Dollar City, Branson, MO
PKD has metal detectors and it makes entering the front gate extremly slow, especiallly if its crowded.

Paramount`s Kings Island-something big is coming for 2002, the park`s 30th anniversary!
But in today's world the need for these things is a reality.

Rollercoasters are the secret of life!
Nope, SFGAm isn't the only Six Flags park with metal detectors, as SFA has had them since it became a Six Flags(not sure if it did when it was Adventure World). I don't really mind the metal detectors, they do make the lines longer to get in, but I'm usually there early enough to be in the front of the lines to get in anyway. They are a nuisance at times, as my friend's belt buckle always sets it off, but I think they're all for the best. What I wish they would do, however, is encourage the security guards to stop line jumping and vandalism and such, as they know that park patrons don't have weaponry but, alas, they don't.
While I do agree with taking any safety precautions necassary at a park, metal detectors make the already slow-moving come to a crawl. It's bad enough to have to wait 15 minutes just to get into a park, but having to empty your pockets every time you do so is just outrageous.
Damn, all of these old posts coming back from the dead!!!! And the fact that servo in this thread makes me cringe!!!!!!! Oh well, its good to see the old threads with new opinions in them.


SROS221 said:
"Hey, TPNE Guy, omg! How do you think they stop terrorists and murdereds from being guns and knives into SFNE????

When was the last time you heard about a bomb going off in a theme park or somebody getting hacked up in line for the Ferris Wheel? Please, get real!

"If we built a ride that everyone wanted to ride, it would be called an elevator, and that's not an amusement ride."
-Stan Checketts, S&S Power
All three Texas SF parks have them. Hey, we all pack heat down here, it ain't too surprising.
Even Kennywood has metal detectors and I think it's a good idea. You're not even allowed to wear "gang colors" at Kennywood.

Thank you for riding America's Roller Coast
I think to a point it is a good idea but Im glad SFWOA and Cedar Point dont but Im sure they will very soon and Im sure the park that would probally get dectectors soon would be all the disney parks.
The problem with the metal detectors at Magic Mountain is that even on busy days they don't use all of the detectors. They have a good 30 I'd say but only use at most 10 or 15. It's probably due to a lack of security personnel to man them. Oh well.

They don't bother me, it's just that sometimes they don't detech metal. They like to detect Everytime I have been to SFMM since the detectors I've been stopped even though the only things I keep in my bag are a bottle of water, maybe some candy and clothing. They usually just want you to open it. They look inside and say OK.

Personally our baseball stadium here in Vegas has a more stringent inspection as they really SEARCH your stuff. They won't even let you in with a bottle of water. UGH!

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