Merry Christmas!

Mamoosh's avatar

[NOTE: I deleted my "Xmas Loot" thread because I did not see this similar thread. My apologies to anyone who had posted in that thread.]

What I got this year:

The Simpson's Season Two 4-disc DVD pack; Mary Tylor Moore Show Season One 4-disc DVD pack.

Clothes and gift certificate from Structure;

Money to go towards upgrading my PC to a Pentium 4;

The following new CDs, all special editions w/ extra tracks: Gomez "In Our Gun," Nightmares On Wax "Mind Elevation," Supreme Beings Of Leisure "Divine Operating System" and their self-titled debut album from 2001, Miguel Migs "Colorful You," The Vines "Highly Evolved," Rufus Wainwright "Poses" and his self-titled debut from 1998, Queens Of The Stoneage "Feel Good Hit of the Summer" and previous album "Rated R", Leslie Winer "Witch," and three homemade compilation CDs.

Cover of a 1960's Scopitone catalog, blown up to poster size and ready to frame. Also, a VHS of classic 16mm Scopitone music "videos."

Cool coaster-related gifts this year: a poster-size B&W aerial shot of Coney Island circa mid-1930's, and a VHS tape contain footage of Coney from the same era, including their Virginia Reel and many other defunct coasters and flat rides. Both made me wish I had a time machine....

But even with all those gifts the best thing I got at Christmas was something I get 365 days a year: the love of my awesome family and friends.


Sig under construction!

*** This post was edited by Mamoosh on 12/26/2002. ***

Vater's avatar
Moosh, where did you (or whoever gave it to you) find the aerial photo of CI? My fiancee (heh...still haven't gotten used to saying that) was looking for a large B&W photo of the Cyclone, but she couldn't find one anywhere. Not that I'm disappointed at all with what she did get me...


Mamoosh's avatar

Vater - from what I understand an 8x10 was scanned at 1200dpi to produce the poster, but I am not totally certain. However it was done, its not available commercially.


Sig under construction!

Den said:

I'll second what Mark said about giving. Once you get to be a certain age, it really doesn't matter what you get. One, because you realize what's important in life, and two, if there's something you want, you just go buy it - you don't have to depend on your mommy and daddy.

Well, I'm 15 and buy parents don't buy me jack **** anymore. I have to rely on my paper route (very low paying) for everything. I got enough X-Mas tips to buy my new Canon S30 Digital Camera(its backordered, don't order from :(). That's about it. Just a little bit of cash and other small things. I didn't get presents for everybody this year, just my mom, stepmom and dad. $25 gift cards for all! It really made me feel good to actually give something back.

SFNE Central- Online Six Flags New England Resource
Devoted Intamin Lover for Life!

Wow, some of you really made out like bandits!

As for me, it wasn't so much the material things (some clothes, some Simpsons schtuff) that meant the most to me, it was being with the people I care about (and at least talking a little bit with those who I couldn't be near!). I think I am finally growing up, for the first time I really don't care about receiving anything! =-o

And besides, I'm getting the best Christmas present I could possibly ever want Dec 31 -- I get to spend five days with the love of my life in sunny Orlando riding coasters. :)

Joe "Man am I a sappy piece of crap!" Campanella

"No honey, the monkeys have already done enough damage on this trip." - Guy coming out of front gate at SFGAd

Vater said:
"I got engaged.

Must be a bug going around or something, I got engaged too.

Do the moo shoo!

James K said:

Vater said:
"I got engaged.

Must be a bug going around or something, I got engaged too.

Do the moo shoo!

My condolences to both of you. I am truly sorry to hear that. Marriage is truly a fine institution. As a matter of fact I think that everyone who elects to be married should be institutionalized!

Just kidding...... I have been married 9 years, have three wonderful children and I wouldn't give it up for anything in the whole wide world!

What I did want to mention is that we should all make it a point to remember that there are a great many people less fortunate than ourselves and the holidays are a time to remember this..... make it a point to help out (financially or by volunteering time). If you don't do it right away make it a part of your plans for the coming year.... it will truly make you a better person.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

(now was that a corny post or what?)

Six Flags Great America Admission - $40
A large order of Bananna Split Dippin Dots - $5
The info provided to me by the one and only exclusive park insider (the dippin dots guy) - useless

*** This post was edited by HardRider on 12/26/2002. ***

Mark W. Baruth said:
Yanagisawa? I hope you took it back!


They're not *That* bad... I'd, of course, take a Mark VI any day...

Anyway. My wife and I got the M&M's Wild Thing dispensor. We've been collecting them for the past few years, and were really excited when we saw this year's. We're also going to get SF Season Passes for each other this year. (It's been two years since we've been able to afford them!)

d8 - who loves Christmas!!!

"Getting on Iron Wolf is kind of like going in a blender and pressing PUREE"

I'll qualify this by saying that I was a paid Yamaha endorser for 4 years while touring on the road, but I am not a big fan of the Yani. They don't have much character to their tone. If you really wanted a black lacquer horn, you should look to the Julius Keilwerths. I've had a black Yamaha Custom, a black Selmer Serie II, and I now own a black SX90-the tone is sensational.

Oh, yeah, I'm excited about #16.

Jeff said:

I get to be alive another year in this fascinating world. Hopefully some of you see the great gift that is.

Amen Jeff, many of you know just how close I came to dying this year. Almost bleeding to death within a matter of minutes can really change your outlook on life.

BTW its amazing how I am 23 years old and my brother buys me a toy for christmas LOL

Coming in 2003-The Spawn Of Magnum!
Yes Virginia, I am Santa Claus!

*** This post was edited by MagnumForce on 12/26/2002. ***

I got two great things I can show off any time someone comes to my house.

1.) My parents, while looking at a new lens for my camera at the local photo shop, were talking to the guy behind the counter about how I love coasters. The clerk just happened to have taken pictures for some PKI book, of course mom can't remember who he was or what book, blah blah blah. Well he happened to have some of the photos not copyrighted for the book and let her make duplicates of them. She got a nice frame and matting stuff and put the pictures in them. Its really great.

2.) Just by accident, my aunt found a 12x15 b&w photo of Cincinnati's Coney Island back in its glory days.

Both of these gifts were very cheap but had the biggest impact on me. I was so happy.

Wood Rules!

Hope everyone had a Feliz Navidad. I also got the Wild Thing M&M's dispenser from my sister. What a perfect gift for a coaster aficionado. It was my niece's first Christmas, so it was great watching her tear open her presents.
One of the presents I got her was the Chicken Dance Elmo. Is it just me or does that thing sound just like Towelie from South Park?

Don't forget to bring a towel!
Coasters and Chronic
What a Combo!

Moosh, I saw an aerial pic of the CI Cyclone on eBay. Wasn't you, was it?

Me, I picked up a copy of the Idora Wildcat layout plans, an original of the Silver Beach Whip [Mangels] overview plans, a parts manual for Lusse Auto-Scooters [1920s], and a roll of tickets.

Paid for 'em myself, though.

Got some amusement park Christmas cards, too...

john peck's avatar
I got some Cds and DVD's, but the big wish was to get home safe in a terrible storm and see my family all together again... thats always the best gift, for we have had our share of Holiday Tragities.
Wow! Some of you guys got some expiensive toys this year. I got to spend time with my family and ate a delicious ham. My biggest gift was a cup holder for my '84 chevy truck.


Lord Gonchar's avatar

Anyone *not* get the goofy M&M dispenser?

What the hell am I going to do with it? It's much easier to dump the M&M's directly into your face, than it is to dump them in the dispenser, pull the coaster and scoop up a few M&M's like a common hamster.



Jeff's avatar

The worst thing about it is that people come into your office and start talking to you about unimportant nonsense just so they can scam on you M&M stash. Transparent bastards.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - -

Wolf? Did you actually get those Idora Wildcat plan from the guy? I tried buying them and he never got back to me after I won the auction. I emailed him like 10 times, no response, nothing even saying I won the auction. Two days later it was back up for auction. Thank goodness I never paid.

Wood Rules!

Cedar Fair Season Pass, Six Flags Season Pass, A new book with lots of park pictures in it, and some more season passes :)


I got a 2000 Ford Mustnag GT convertible w/ a V-8! I also got a new flatscreen TV for my room, a X-Box game and a large amount of cash which I think I am going to buy a surround sound system to go along with my new tv!

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