I was searching around at wikipedia, and came across Themeparks LLC. One line stats "Themeparks LLC and Adventure Parks Group have talked about a merger, but nothing has yet developed." I couldn't find anything about it in the forums here.
Has anyone heard anything about this? Are they still talking about it? Are there any updates?
Ed Hart could provide some sorely-needed help to Kent B with some marketing and operational advice...seems to me that WA has been *suffering* from the dilution of resources since CG has been added to the fold... IMO.
That Wikipedia information must be fairly old because the plans for Themeparks LLC to build a park in Nashville (the ill fated Thrillopolis) fell through over two years ago.
*** Edited 1/31/2006 8:46:19 PM UTC by thrillerman1***
I survived a Japanese typhoon and the Togo flat ride of death!!!!!!