Medusa at Six Flags Mexico latest to get RMC steel track

Vater's avatar

The first drop looks pretty cool. Oddly reminiscent of Drachen Fire's.

Medusa Steel Coaster

One of my very favorite things as a young enthusiast was DrachenFire's inverted first drop. It was unique at the time.

I have yet to ride an RMC hybrid, but they look wonderful. I never thought I'd say this, but I'm jealous of Mexico.

"Look at us spinning out in the madness of a roller coaster" - Dave Matthews Band

bjames's avatar

I'll probably never visit Mexico until their drug war is taken care of (so that could be never), but that barrel roll down the first drop looks pretty cool. I don't care for the name Medusa Steel Coaster though, it's pretty stupid lol.

I think it's lost in translation. Try Medusa Esteelo Coastero.

In Spanish it's La Montania Rusa Llermo Medusa.

LITERAL TRANSLATION The Russian Mountain Steel Medusa.

Answer my Prayers, Overbook my next Flight!

I was thinking more like "medusa de hierro montana rusa."

they drag him
ApolloAndy's avatar

According to Google Translate it's:
"404 error. Page not found"
but maybe that's Portuguese?

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Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

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