Meadowlands Fair 6/30/03

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Today I went to the "Big M", the Meadowlands Fair held at the Meadowlands Sports Complex in the Giants Stadium parking lot. We (my sister and I) arrived at about 7:00pm and paid $2 for parking and $6 for admission to the fair.

The layout of the Fair is: vendors and food in the front, rides in the back, and a stage and sponsor tents off to one side. We got our hand stamped for unlimited rides ($16 each) and proceeded to ride.

Our first stop was the log flume. It's one of those Niagara Falls flumes with the 2 lifts and 2 drops. next was a funhouse, it was small and not very exciting. Next was the Avalanche portable coaster. It's like a Pinfari Zyklon only it has seatbelts to hold u in. It wasn't bad at all. Next was a spook house, not scary, really crappy. Then was another funhouse and another spookhouse, these 2 were better.

Then we went on the Cliffhanger, one of those laydown paratrooper ride. Next we went on an ARM Touchdown. The ride operator put another guy in our car for maximum spinage, this to my sisters dismay. Touchdown was new this year and was pretty good. What it is, is a turntable with 8 or so 4 person cars that can spin, the turntable spins and tilts to a steep angle and your cars spin like crazy. Next we went on the Crazy Mouse coaster (a spinning Wild Mouse) this was awesome! I love spinning wild mouse coasters.
I now went on the Orbiter. This was the fastest Orbiter ever! My face felt like it was being pushed back everytime my car swing under the arm. After this I felt kind a queasy so I sat down near a KMG Fireball. After a few minutes I went on the Fireball. This is like a swinging ship combined with a Spin Out ride. It swings real high and the Gs at the bottom of the swing are incredible!
Now we went over to the sponsor section and watched a NJ band called "The Nerds" play. They played "Mrs. Robinson", the 2001: Space Odyssey theme (with the addition of guitars) and then played some punk song. Then we went to this XBOX tent/blow up thing with like 50 XBOX stations set up. I kicked my sisters butt in a fighting game and then we went back to the rides.
Now this was the time I was reunited with my favorite ride...(plays 2001: Space Odyssey theme)...dun..dun...dun...DUN dun! dun-dun dun-dun dun-dun dun-dun, (cuts to end of song) DUN!...DUN!!!!...DUUUUUUUN!!!!!!!!! The Space Roller. (this is a Mondial "Top Buzz" btw.)
I waited in the non existent line (!!) with 2 semi cute girls, they were scared so they asked if I could ride with them. I doubt that they asked me to sit with them because of that, you cant see each other on the ride so it's not that comforting i don't think, and plus I know I have some sizzle in my skillet ssss. lol ok anyway, The ride was awesome! It was so good I went on again! My sister, who didn't go on this at all, was getting a massage by those massage therapist people. I went over there and one of the Chinese massage guys came up and got me to shell out 10 bucks for a massage. They are good at getting you to succumb to their easy money-making scheme, they just act like they don't speak much english, do some sample massages and slowly direct u over to a massage stool thing. oh well, it felt good after 2 consecutive Space Roller rides with left me sweating from excitement...and nausea. Next I went on the Bansai, a floorless Kamakasi ride. This ride proved that even and iron stomach like me cant endure all the fair rides. This ride left me totally nauseous and I decided that I was done riding the rides. We took the skyride back to the vendors. then my sister tortured me by looking at all the trinkets the vendors had, while I was feeling like crap.

All in All it was a good fair!

There are some ride I didn't go on because I was too nauseous to at the time, those rides were:
The Zipper
Ring of Fire (caged version!)
All 3 of these were part of my Freakish Carnie Rides List (on too!

"If it's just us...seems like an awful waste of space." -Contact

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