Me Vs. Bob Seger Vs. Michael Buffer (Holiwood Nights Weekend)

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I missed meeting you thriller! Rob A. (too many Robs and Mikes, but you would know who I was referring to) told me you were there but I never got around to seeing both of you at the same time.

PT300, I haven't seen you post in awhile, but I've been just skimming the boards for the most part. Good to see you on though.

Someone else brought up another reference I made in the title over AIM. The double "Vs." thing was inspired by one of my favorite Brand New songs, Me Vs. Maradona Vs. Elvis and just played as structure to the title and not anything to do with the coasters, parks, or events.

Thanks to both of you for the comments. :)

Well if you saw a guy walking around in an Interpol shirt on Fri night, Secret Machines shirt on Saturday, or The Features shirt on Sunday, that was me. :-) I just decided to wear all band shirts this time around. Yeah too bad I didn't get to meet up with you and your crew. Sounds TOO fun. Maybe next time you're down BB way we can meet and compare Death Cab notes haha.

I survived a Japanese typhoon and the Togo flat ride of death!!!!!!
Haha, that's too funny because I did band shirts every day too. :) You rock! Isn't that new Secret Machines album amazing?? I was disappointed in there only being 8 songs (for some reason expected "Ten" ;)), but they blew me away yet again. I'm hoping to catch them up at Lollapalooza this summer. I love me some Death Cab for sure!
Oh man you will LOVE the Secret Machines live if you've never seen them. Talk about an amazing show! I think a lot of people expected 10 songs on their new album...gee I wonder why lol. Yep it rocks just as much as their debut. What band shirts were you wearing? Here we are talking about indie rock when this thread is supposed to be about "Bob Seger".

I survived a Japanese typhoon and the Togo flat ride of death!!!!!!
I wore shirts from the "other side" of my music fanaticdom- The Early November, Dashboard Confessional, and Cassino (new band formed by a couple guys from the band, Northstar).

We never get indie shows in Ohio for some reason, so I don't have any indie shirts except from a Death Cab show in 2004. I randomly found a single Bright Eyes shirt that was too small for me at Hot Topic one time and have ran into a couple Postal Service shirts I didn't really like. Of Montreal and Clap Your Hands Say Yeah were in Covington, KY earlier this year and there's a festival in Cincinnati this summer headlined by The Fiery Furnaces, but I have to travel long distances to see the goodies and I'm just now sort of prepared to do that. Lollapalooza will catch most of them though.

I'm a music fan in general and will try almost anything, so there are a lot of things I like, but indie and the sort of evolutions of alt/punk/rock are the biggest for me right now.


Great TR. It's definately always a good time catching up with you at an event.

I had a great time and was glad to meet several 'new' enthusiasts (new to me anyway).

My buddy, Chris, had an absolute blast. I've always been able to easily talk him into joining me when I visit parks in his area. In fact, he has been with me every time I've ever visited IB. Apparently Cornball is not his #1 anymore, but I can't blame him since it's moved down a spot on my 'list' as well.

So who's going next year? :)

Yeah is Good!
coasterqueenTRN's avatar
Awesome TR Danny! I really love reading your TR's because they come right from the heart. You include the personal things that you experienced along with your park visit. I like that. :-)

This means I don't have to write a TR.... ;-)

It was great seeing you again! The whole weekend was nuts. There were so many people. I have never been to an event where SO many of my friends were in one place all at the same time.

I can't believe I have been a Coasterbuzz member for almost 5 years and never realized "Michael Darling" was actually John. :-) I have problems paying attention, I know. ;-)

Voyage........I can't even describe. It's beyond words. I will have to come up with something PG-rated to describe the coaster in my TR, when I get around to it.

The Rumbler was da bomb! I know a lot of people were trying to compare it to Voyage which is bull****. They are two totally different coasters. Both of them are kick f****** ass in their own special ways.


OMG, Tina. You JUST realized that? Have you read my signature? How many times have we met elsewhere now? What's that got to do with the price of tea in China? Well, I'll tell you- nothing. (You even hugged me!)

Anywho, I agree that KRumbler is beyond amazing. I think I enjoy it more than Voyage since I can actually reride KRumbler (about two dozen rerides, actually). Don't get me wrong, Voyage is an amazing ride but... gosh. Does it have to be SO MUCH? (Yes.)

I love you too, Tina.

It's really nice to hear my "backyard" coaster getting such rave reviews. I was afraid it was going to be overshadowed by that "other" coaster to the north. Glad you all enjoyed the Krumbler!

I survived a Japanese typhoon and the Togo flat ride of death!!!!!!
Tina, I know you always write epic reports as well, so I should have held off a bit to make sure you got your's here. =p Thank you for the compliment though. I usually make mine double for journal entries, so they take a lot of personal time.

I think a lot of us have naturally "compared" the two new woodies since most of us rode them back to back on the same trip here and that they're just so amazing *but* in their separate ways. I agree that they're two totally different pieces of insanity.


Great TR! Man I wish I could have been there. The whole career/pregnant wife/real life thing has really put a cramp in my coaster geek side :(

Real Cbuzz quote of the day - "The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce
Jeff! I asked Rob about you this weekend and wondered where the fluff you had been, but he did make a point about the whole entering every aspect of the "real world" thing, so I understand. Hopefully everything will fall into place and not be so overwhelming next year or the following and you'll have a chance to come up. I haven't seen you since that day at PKI way back when and I'll just consider myself lucky for that. =p Thanks for the comment!



It was really great to meet up on Sat. night. Yeah, I do get the Affleck comment every so often. I once even had this older lady at a wedding reception keep bugging me to take pictures with her!

My friend Lisa had an absolute blast as well! She's already bugging me about when the next coaster adventure is....:)


Haha, I'm glad I'm not the only one Eric about the Affleck thing and so funny about the picture. Hopefully you take it as a good thing. =p I'd be excited for my next coaster trip too if most parks could stack up to Holiday World, but it's also the easiest way to make the best impression early on. I'll catch you later!


Danny that just sucked that I read that twice! ;)


The Golden Rule - Try it once and if you don't like you don't have to go on again!
coasterqueenTRN's avatar
John, I really had no idea you were "Michael Darling" lol. Just ask Gator how I tend to NOT pay attention.

Anywoo, I love you and Danny as well. :-)

There is SO much love in the room! :-)

Echo....I think I met you.

Jeff.....congrats on the new baby!


*** Edited 6/1/2006 11:02:42 AM UTC by coasterqueenTRN***

Thanks Tina :) I'm so jealous of all you guys. There's a SLIGHT chance I might get to HW in August...I'm totally excited. Visit parents, wife and mom go shopping in St. Louis, dad and I get our asses to Santa Claus for the ady :)

Real Cbuzz quote of the day - "The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce
We love you anyways Tina as you already know. ;) I miss everyone and Holiday World already and want to look forward to another mass trip this year. I hope some club has something in the works with them for this fall.. *crosses everything*


Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
Me too, Danny. ;)

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

Labor Day weekend will be the next Holiday World and Beech Bend event with night ERT's. This event will be for the smaller clubs, so mark Sept. 2nd and 3rd down on your calendars if you missed Holiwood Nights and Rumblefest. *** Edited 6/2/2006 2:00:30 AM UTC by Thrillerman***

Wood Coaster Fan Club - "Sharing a Passion for the Classics"

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