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Overall I had a Nice day very fun but going alone Is not as fun as going with a group of people ecspeccially when its cold and you you have shorts on. Someone from Coasterbuzz or SFGAmworld reconized me and shouted out to me and asked me If I was gonna Post a TR with all the pictures And I said Yes.I left the park around 4.
I took lots of pictures today too like yesterday take a look
choose thy fate: freeze or burn
Fly with the Man of Steel in 2003
Here's some other observations... Viper was insane today, and Bull was fine as well. You could really tell the difference in Eagle's re-tracked helix. Iron Wolf and Batman remain my two favorite B&M coasters. The intensity of these rides is un-matched. V2 was a walk-on when I hit it, great launch, I'm happy they got this one up and running for opening weekend. Deja Vu looked awfully nice just kinda standing there...
Never Has Gravity Been So Uplifting.
Holydumb26 said:
Someone from Coasterbuzz or SFGAmworld reconized me and shouted out to me and asked me If I was gonna Post a TR with all the pictures And I said Yes.I left the park around 4.------------------ thy fate: freeze or burn
Fly with the Man of Steel in 2003
Hey that was me! :) I was in the high school fundraiser t-shirt and red, white, and dark blue jacket :)
There is no mercy for those who ride X.
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