Maurer Söhne... X Coasters

Has anyone notice these Maurer Söhne X Coasters?

From the their site, the ride car design looked promising. But these coasters (,10,3,4,5&order=1,2&model=262) are just plan ugly. This is disapointing, what are your comments on these coasters?'s different.
bobthecoasterguy's avatar
They look kind of neat to me. :)


Yeah, I think they grow on you. I just love the innovations Maurer has come up with. Not exactly incredibly groundbreaking, but at least somethings different.

- Josh

When you give, you begin to live... - Dave Matthews
Is there some sort of launching system on G Force at Drayton Manor Park?

Sky Wheel, one of their creations using a veritcal lift. G Force most likely has some sort launch system to get it to 50 mph.

Ugly makes it a disappointment? I think Stormrunner is one of the ugliest coasters in existance. I can't wait to ride it, though, because I've heard nothing but good things. Can't judge a Coaster by its looks. E.G.=mean streak.
The Sky Wheel is indeed ugly but I have to say that G-Force does have a sort of Schwarzkopf-look.

I like the fact that it fits in the same space as a Vekoma Boomerang and it looks like its going to offer lots of thrills in such a small space (without any headbanging).

Those coasters are definatley NOT launched. The so called "humpty bump lift" (stupid name) is capable of pulling the cars up a vertical hill and even extend the lift to go upside down. Surely an odd feeling while hanging in the lapbars.

On a side note: I was checking some rcdb-pictures of Drayton Manor and i had to laugh about this one: apart from the signs it looks 100% like a screenshot of RCT3 *** Edited 7/14/2005 2:32:32 PM UTC by tricktrack***

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