Topple Tower is a nice addition, but the park is still lacking in rides. As great of a marketable thrill this will be, it'd be nice to get a few other flats here & there so one has a lot more to do between shows.
Considering that there's no more orca show, it's one less show to see and therefore, one less thing to do at the park.
I know eventually they'll be getting a new coaster or two as they've mentioned that's the avenue they want to take... but the question remains when.
I could never love an Arrow!
Last I e-mailed them (2yrs ago), they said that it wasn't in their plans... but that focus has changed recently, so it's possible. It's just not marketable, so it's only if they have a million or two lying around that they'd do such an upgrade (or if it could also be incorporated into another ride).
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