Marathon Run; SFGAm 10-14

Associated parks:

Columbus Day has always been my Marathon Run at SFGAm for 5 years now. This holiday was no exception. Got to the park at 9 AM and was one of the first in line. As soon as I got in, I hightailed for Deja Vu. It wasn't going to open until noon... (insert curse here). Back-up plan was Raging Bull, first few laps of the early morn ran to a total of 9 by 10:30. Walked down to Iron Wolf. Empty, as I figured. Clocked more than 20 (lost track at 15) laps on this stand-up bad***. Most in front row so I could see the impending fate at the top of the lift hill. Then to V2. Only 10 minutes! Clocked 3 on that one, even got front row once! The blood pool you look down on looks pretty sweet. Batman was across the way so I stopped for a good 8 laps, 2 in front. Such a wonderful view. Swung around to Deja Vu after seeing moving trains from Batman. It was open at 1:00. Squeezed two out of this sucker in 30 minutes. I was down on time and needed to cram as much in as possible.

Still, I took my stomach to Necropolis and threw up. Not because it was sick, it was stupid! The Carnival Sideshow was cheap, though it was worth it to see a cinder block shattered on a guy's "pogo stick", even funnier when "The Prince of Darkness" made fun of the Packers. The place would gross-out kids for sure, but the employees' timing was off by so much they didn't scare anyone! I hope it's better next year.

Back to the coasters, American Eagle was next on the agenda. Red was down, yet again so the line was packed more than usual. Punched out 5 of this in an hour. I hope Big Red's back soon. I'm not riding until the line cuts down from now on. They had a zombie hanging in a Daredevil Dive harness. Nice touch, if you ask me. Viper rocked. Clickers all the way. Kicked out a lucky 7. Would've done more if people could locate the seating queues. Whizzer, always a classic. 4 spins for old times' sake. Top it off with 18 spins on the Demon and a curiousity flight on Terror Twister, which was done incredibly well. Loved the music. Listening to it right now! Left the park at 4:30, for another successful Columbus Day marathon.

EDIT: There, happy?

*** This post was edited by X It To Xtreme on 10/16/2002. ***

X It To Xtreme said:

Jumped in line and started up a nice little chat with another coaster buff. Never caught her name, but boy, talk about open! Squeezed two out of this sucker in 30 minutes. I was down on time and needed to cram as much in as possible.


I just had a very strange thought run through my head...

Oh well.


Kennywood Park, America's finest traditional amusement park.


Women was god's second mistake.

Edits, please.

SFGAm: 1)DV 2)V2 3)AE Blue 4)Viper 5)Bull

You wish. I'm not editing it. You know what I meant. Ok... I'll edit it if it gets you to shut up.
I have a hard time believing any human being could handle more than 20 consecutive or near-consecutive laps on Iron Wolf.

SFGAm: 1)DV 2)V2 3)AE Blue 4)Viper 5)Bull

Bull fan said:
I have a hard time believing any human being could handle more than 20 consecutive or near-consecutive laps on Iron Wolf.

SFGAm: 1)DV 2)V2 3)AE Blue 4)Viper 5)Bull

Its nowhere near as bad as the Stell Phantom used to be...the most I could handle on that was 3 consecutive laps...

Kennywood Park, America's finest traditional amusement park.

Terror Twister?
Yeah, what is the Terror Twister?

The top 3 all time cobrarolls.

2)Deja Vu's (times 3)
3)Batman Knight Flight's

Terror Twister is the Chubasco(teacup ride in SWT) transformed for Fright Fest. They cover the whole ride with black tarps , play music, and use strobe type lighting during the ride.

2 superheroes in Gurnee next season? Oh the humanity. :)

I have a hard time believing any human being could handle more than 20 consecutive or near-consecutive laps on Iron Wolf.

And I have a hard time believeing that someone managed 76(approx) rides in 1 single day all in just 7hrs 30 mins. Sounds pretty dam near impossible if you ask me, the place would have to be complety dead to acheieve something like that???

I have done It at SFGAm Ill try to get more today when ever I go.

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