Magic Mountain Superbowl Sunday

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Ill keep it short and sweet.  Perfect day, not a single cloud, highs in the mid 60s, warm sun, slight cool breeze.  All rides except for X and Deja Vu were pretty much walkons with a few scattered exceptions but each of the new coasters only showed a wait time of a little over an hour.  We skipped Deja Vu.  With loading invervals anywhere from 3.5 to 5 minutes we figured the wait wouldnt be worth the other rides we could go on.  We rode X twice.  I rode both times in the first outside seat, once during the day, the other at night (one of the last trains dispatched).  One word describes this ride and its first 2 drops, inexplicable.  The closest you get to skydiving.  I spread my arms and legs and with nothing in front of me dove face first 200 feet through the cool air with the ground rusing towards me.  The ride was smooth and intense...until I hit the barrel roll element.  I was shaken very violently from this point on, mainly because i was riding outside seat alone.  The second time I rode with a friend and the shaking wasnt as bad but still evident.  A word of warning, if you intend to ride this ride, get out to MM soon.  This coaster has far too many moving parts to age gracefully.  Until that time though, X provides one of the most euphoric, unbelievable, intense, insane, and memorable rides so far.  You will have a sh*t eating grin on your face for days just thinking about that first drop. 
On to a more interesting topic.  Psyclone.  They were only running one train today.  As I exited I looked for the others in the storage transfer area, but there were none.  Have they only had one train for this ride for some time, or is this a sign of new or modified trains on the way for the coaster?  By the way, the ride is still crap.  I was more worried about saving myself from a splitting headache than enjoying the ride.

*** This post was edited by willthethrill on 2/4/2002. ***

boblogone's avatar
The Psyclone trains are probably still sitting over at Colossus.  That's where they were last I remember.
What do you mean "by colossus"?  Cause I didnt see them anywhere over there either.
You might have just missed seeing the train. When I was there two weeks ago, the Psyclone train was sitting next to the west turnaround of Colossus (near the employee parking). It's hard to spot unless you are looking for it. The question is, WHY is it sitting there? I assume it is there after being used on Colossus for Fright Fest but that was months ago and it seems like it should have been returned to Psyclone by now.

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