Magic Kingdom to finally serve alcohol at forthcoming Be Our Guest restaurant

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

The addition of the "Be Our Guest" resaturant to the newly-revamped Fantasyland in Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom raised some eyebrows recently due to the theme park's long-standing ban on alcoholic beverages, sparking a debate as to why the ban has been lifted at the most family-friendly of Disney's four theme parks.

Read more from The Boston Globe.

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Walk-Off HBP's avatar

Concrete Enchilada said:

And does anyone see the irony of serving alcohol in the children's section of a family theme park?

On the contrary, alcohol may have had a hand in some of those children being here in the first place. In a way, this kind of completes the circle.

Last edited by Walk-Off HBP,

The trick was to surrender to the flow.

I'm going back quite a few years, since my daughter is now 13, but wasn't Gaston pounding down beers in the movie that the name of this restaurant comes from?

Raven-Phile's avatar

I can't remember right now. I've pounded too many beers.

HeyIsntThatRob?'s avatar

He does. Of course Gaston's a very flamboyant manly man too.

Jeff's avatar

Lefou: "More beer?"

Gaston: "Why? Nothing helps."

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

He especially fond of expectorating.

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Vater's avatar

And every last inch of him's covered in hair.

coasterqueenTRN's avatar

kpjb said:

Isn't all of the Magic Kingdom a kids' section? What does it matter where they serve it?

I think you should be able to drink yourself around the world in It's A Small World.

Absolutely! I wouldn't mind a few beers before seeing that again. It would make all of those dolls less creepy and more hysterical. ;) All joking aside, I don't see the issue with serving alcohol at the park.

I never really noticed before. Then again I usually don't drink AT parks. The only time I have enjoyed a beer at any Disney park was when I was in "Germany." ;)


Last edited by coasterqueenTRN,

kpjb said:

I think you should be able to drink yourself around the world in It's A Small World.

I think it would be neat to have an Around the World in It's a Small World.

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rollergator's avatar

Q: What beer do they serve at the Magic Kingdom?

A: Mousehead! 8:-)~

Raven-Phile's avatar

There's a mouse in my bottle. Like, uh, give us our free beer, eh.

birdhombre's avatar

A mouse? Maybe someone slipped a mickey in your drink.

Raven-Phile's avatar

That's probably why I'm acting a little goofy.

I've got no problem with this. In fact, I'd say it is long overdue. As I said elsewhere, they overcharge me for parking, gate admission, food, souvenirs and even pressed pennies so the last they can do is offer me an overpriced beer to chase it all down with.

I would need my Platinum Card to get drunk there so I suspect the most I will get is one or two cold beers. If that helps me to better tolerate the strollers running into my ankles, the rude tourists who think they are special because they are following a flag around, and the BO of the guy next to me waiting in the Haunted Mansion queue then more power to me.

I never had the desire to shell out $6- $7 for a beer at a theme park.

Astroworld.....Gone But Not Forgotten

kpjb's avatar

They overcharge for pressed pennies?


Raven-Phile's avatar

Concrete Enchilada said:

I never had the desire to shell out $6- $7 for a beer at a theme park.

Yeah, I'd rather pay $3 - $4, myself, but I'll take what I can..

kpjb's avatar

I don't see the big deal in shelling out $6 for a beer when you're paying $3 for a soft drink. As a ratio of what things cost at Disney vs. the real world, they seem to be pretty equal to me.


eightdotthree's avatar

I feel better about paying $6 for a beer than I do paying $3 for a stale super pretzel.

Jeff's avatar

If you're on the dining plan at Disney, the food is paid for with magic.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

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