Mad Tv Takes a Shot at Disney

The newest episode of Mad Tv had a skit about Disneys latest movie based on a ride: It's A Small World After All: Revenge of Satan's Undead Dolls starring Johnny Depp, Eddie Murphy, Dakota Fanning, Ellen DeGeneres, and Clay Aiken. Instead of the dolls causing everyone to go insane as speculated, they just kill Clay Aiken. :) Funny Episode! :)

There are only 10 types of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who dont.
Mad TV sucks now....the old cast was the greatest

Now, they are plagued with stupid cast members who do stupid skits....and stupid impersinations....

the only two good ones left are michael mcdonald and stephanie weir.....i want the old mad tv back.....

Its not bad now, but the old one was the ****.

"All of our parties at CCI were so...sedate," said Dinn this afternoon. "Wine, appetizers, some jazz. But this Stan Checketts, those S&S dudes can party their asses off. Out of control."

The older ones were way better. Michael McDonald doing an mpression of Dr. Phil just isn't funny without Debra Wilson as Oprah.

Anyway, It definitely seems that FOX loves to pick on disney. This reminds me of all of those shots The Simpsons took at DCA, and more recently Eisner.

Even disney makes those cracks. When I was in "Who Wants to be a Millionaire play it" the host was constantly making jokes about the ride; like if you lose you have to go on "its a small world seven times" which was absolutely hilarious after I went on it.

chewy77 said:

Anyway, It definitely seems that FOX loves to pick on disney. This reminds me of all of those shots The Simpsons took at DCA, and more recently Eisner.

The Simpsons take shots at everyone, even Fox and themselves, so that is not really a qualifier there.

I wish they would show Stuart sometimes. It never comes on anymore.

One of the girls had a cute little kitten named kitty-kitty, the other girl had a cute little puppy named Chris, and the third girl was a republican.

It was on a couple of weeks ago... My fave skit was the airline attendant one. "lip, taptaptap. oo oo hotdog!" *** Edited 3/22/2004 12:34:21 AM UTC by brahma2003***

"All of our parties at CCI were so...sedate," said Dinn this afternoon. "Wine, appetizers, some jazz. But this Stan Checketts, those S&S dudes can party their asses off. Out of control."

Family Guy always seems to have Eisner in it, too.

Start the Kid's Revolution; the tyranny must end. Free Pancakes.
Let me do it!!! NoooooOOOOOOOooooo!
Man, they should bring back Miss Swan, she's almost as funny as Stuart. :) (This thread is just waiting to be locked :))

There are only 10 types of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who dont.

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