Lots of passes, lots of parks. $$$$??????

After reading the last topic about the buzz poll on season passes and seeing certain people saying they have alot of different park passes, I was just wondering on estimate how much you spend total in a season? This would include the passes themselves, travel, lodging, transportation, food, souveniers, etc.

Jeff's avatar
I don't think I spent more than $3,000 last year.

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
Last year was ~$1500ish, this year I'll probably hit around 2-3K...


Last season I spent probably 2300. That included paying to get my car fixed in Pittsburgh and renting a car for five days.

This year I plan on spending a little less, maybe 2000. I stayed at a lot of $65-85 dumps last year because I was unprepared, so I hope to find cheaper motels and maybe camp some to reduce costs.

I can't wait to stand in line...
I'm spending maybe $800 at most. I don't have the kind of cash to throw around to go visit CP and all the East Coast parks on a whim

Randy Hutchinson
You build it, I'll ride it...eventually
Hmmm...good question.

Gas: Around $500
Hotels: Around $700
Plane tix (Two round trips to for Florida): $350
Season pass (total of five last year): Around $400
Food: $600
Souvenirs: $300
Disney parkhopper: $160
Parks with no season pass (paid admission): $250

That all adds up to $3,260. I'm sure I'm forgetting stuff, so say $3,500 total. Yikes, that's a lot...Until you asked that question I had no idea I spent that much! Thanks a lot Chitown! :P

Hmmm...maybe I'll start a budget this year to know exactly what I'm spending. I don't think I want to go over $2,500 -- that's just too much for me.

If you are looking for trouble, you found it. -- Steven Hawking
I don't spend that much on trips(last year - about $600), but I NEVER fly and NEVER stay in hotels.
Flying probably can't be avoided for some of you, but I'm a student and thus take my trips during breaks(giving me time to drive).
Hotels, however, are a rip-off unless you can get at least double the normal capacity in a room :). IMO, camping is a much better option.
We also never buy food or drinks at the park, and rarely do we buy stuff outside the park. We buy our grub at a grocery store, pack a backpack for the park, and keep a cooler in our car.
Anyway, if you forfeit some of the luxuries(hotels, flights, decent food :), etc.), then you would probably be surprised what you can do on a tight budget(and ours is definitely rather tight).
*** This post was edited by Lothar on 2/7/2001. ***
Jeff's avatar
I hate driving. I just can't find the benefit of driving somewhere I can fly to for $100 or less (and that's a lot of places from Cleveland).

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
This will be the first year I have had a season pass to a park (PKD), but last year I went to BGW 6 times and never had to pay to get in, and by that I mean the whole group that was with me got in free. (My Mother is employed by a company that has BGW tickets, and are always giving them to her.) And my Mother owns time-share in various places, so I always had a free place to stay on such trips as Myrtle Beach (The Hurricane) and Ghost Town in the Sky (Red Devil).

I come out cheap!
Thanks Mom!

I spent about 70 on a season pass for SFGAm. About 35 dollars for a ticket to Cedar Point. About 30 bucks @ Cedar Point. And about 20 dollars for everytime I went to my homepark(8). (I don't eat much if there are coasters within walking distance) So let's add this up....


So let's round this to about 300. Not bad for my age...
"4 Seats are better than 2"
Our trip to WDW, IOA and BGT was $3000 alone. Then we also made 2 trips to CP and SFWoA, a trip to Dollywood and about 10x to PKI with a season pass. I don't want to count. :( We're strangely not missing any money though. :)

"You think ya got enough o' dem parks 'n coasters 'ere in Ohier?"
Jeff, are you talking round trip for $100? Where can you get to for that cheap airfare? And then what about car rentals? Being 19, I basically have the option of driving with four other friends, or flying, but depending on someone older than 25 to go to since I can't get a rental car.

Also, Coasterville,Ohio...you didn't pay for that trip yourself did you?

If you are looking for trouble, you found it. -- Steven Hawking
Let's see....

Wow I spent alot, throwing money left and right ;), maps and on-ride pictures every single visit, that totals to, with food....

Hmmmmm....about 50 bucks, give or take a few.

"Shut up brain, or I'll stab you with a Q-tip!"

~From the brilliant mind of Homer J. Simpson.
I'm guessing somwhere around $2000 give or take.
That doesn't even count Knoebels which probably adds anothe $500 on.

These are my guesstamates on prices
$600 8 season passes (my girlfriend and myself)
$300 for gas (probably on the low side)
$225 T'Shirts about 15 at $15 each
$170 On Ride Photos $10 each
$480 hotels $60 a night
$??? Food parking and other crap

2000 stats: 135 coasters in 26 parks
Not Too Shabby For A Summer
That is bull ****. A person does not need a bunch of season passes for a park. If you bought that much, then you dont have a life in that case. I know that you may like roller coasters and all but, you need to start a hobby instead of wasting your money away on things like that.
Dude, Darryl, not to be mean but IT IS our hobby! Many people spend around $3000 a year for their different hobbies.

Anyway, we(my family) probably spent around 1000-1500 bucks. And that was just trips to SFA, SFoG, IoA, and our local fair! (fairs count, right?)
Uh Darryl, while I agree it is a chunk of change this is Coasterbuzz where Coaster junkies hang out. For some people being a coaster enthusiast is the best way to live life even though it might not conform to the consensus of the public on what's normal.

While, I spend relatively little last year, I believe I kept it under $150 I don't find it "cool" to knock other people that drop a ton of cash on trips. As long as they aren't seriously complaining about a lack of funds and life in general I don't have a problem with it.

Randy Hutchinson
You build it, I'll ride it...eventually
Man some people think they know everything about someone because he spends his money on ticket's, ask him what he does first, the man bust's his hump nearly all year to pay for his hobby. What you call wasting money to us its enjoying our hobby, I would rather look at my ride picture's than a book full of stamp's or baseball card's.
CoasterPunk does have a life and his life includes rollercoaster's. If anyone want's to here about sick spending here is my list.

2000 2 trips to disney $600 ticket's $700 hotel's
$500 in van rental's. Plus all my SF trips, I spent too much but not enough.

Now my big purchase came this year I just bought a
new mini van(girfriend is terrified to fly).
Please don't ask how much It's still giving me an ulcer. Plus my season passes this year, does anyone know a loan officer Lol.
Army rangers lead the way *** This post was edited by supermandl on 2/7/2001. ***
I may blow tons of money on parks but I think its money well spent. :) Look at how much other people save up for just a single week long trip in some exotic place. I get a summers worth of fun for about the same price.

I don't know maybe we all have more money than brains! ;)

2000 stats: 135 coasters in 26 parks
Not Too Shabby For A Summer

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