Look, Support Customization

Look at how we can now have "our way" with supports.


I don't see what the big deal is.
Me either. That looks like regular Wild Mouse suports, looks just like it has since the beginning.

Darn it! This thread got me all excited too!


Jeff's avatar
I think his point might have been that before there would be no track supports to the upper track because of the track under it.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

I can't believe everybody has missed this. Look at a single support in the picture. Notice that I was able to paint the part that connects the track red, the piece under that purple, than have a red strip, and then white. Every section of support can be customized to any color you wish it to be. Footers can be painted also.
descriptions always help...otherwise you leave it to everyone to try and guess what you're talking about cswr...

--George H

Jeff's avatar
Yeah, that was amazingly obvious and something we were tall thinking about.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

Sorry, I should have posted a more detailed description in the first place. I thought the picture showed it all. Guess not.
ah, highly interesting now that we know.
Lord Gonchar's avatar
Ummm, cool and all, but do you really need multicolored supports?

It's adds a small touch of 'pretty', I suppose - but, as always - I wonder why pretty was so important, while gameplay, new features, more rides & coasters, and the inherent flaws in the game weren't.

I still only see this game as a fantasy park creation tool (the only place it doesn't fall squarely on its face) - and even then if you build even remotely large it'll kill your system.

Who exactly was the target audience this time around?

Apparently it was people who get off on hand painting a couple dozen supports piece by piece.

Okay, now that I understand your post, I have 2 questions:

How do you paint individual sections of Supports?

Is it possible to paint different sections of track and have different colored trains/cars on one coaters?

Haven't figured either out, and both have been in there since, like, Loopy Landscapes.

Lord Gonchar's avatar

No go on the multicolor trains (unless you can paintbrush them like supports, but I doubt it)

The answer to multicolored track is right here.

Wow. Way too much time on your hands.

TeknoScorpion said:

How do you paint individual sections of Supports?

Goto the custom structure's tab, there you will find a paintbrush that will allow you to paint the support's and many other items in the game. *** Edited 11/29/2004 7:40:56 PM UTC by cwsr***

Another useless point of the game, I don't really care for the feature but anyways....

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