Longest SBNO Coaster at an Operating Park?

James Whitmore's avatar

Once upon a time someone asked me the Uncle Jack question. My reply was, "How did you know my uncle is named Jack?"


Pagoda Gift Shop's avatar

No need to help Uncle Jack. The horse is SBNO.

Tekwardo's avatar

Jason Hammond said:
Of the aproximatly 200 coasters (listed on RCDB) that were SBNO at one time or another, these appear to have held the SBNO status within an opperating park the longest.

Thunderbolt at Coney Island was SBNO for 17 years

Giant Dipper at Belmont was SBNO for 14 years

Leap the Dips at Lakemont was SBNO for 12 years

Vertigorama was SBNO from the time it was complete in 1983 up until the park closed in 2003, so that's 20 years. Granted, it's still sbno, but that's the longest time it's been sbno with a continuous period of the park being opened.

And Orphan Rocker I think takes the cake at 22 years.

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Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

The Giant Dipper at Belmont was SBNO for 14 years, but other than the Plunge so was the park.

Which one is the longest right now with a park that is currently still operating?

DantheCoasterman's avatar

...and that was actually open to the public at one time?


RollerCoasterGod said:
Which one is the longest right now with a park that is currently still operating?

Right now Son of Beast, with a track length of 7,032 feet, is the longest SBNO coaster. The park at which it resides, Kings Island, continues to operate on a seasonal schedule.

Last edited by WOF Guy,
Tekwardo's avatar

Swoosh is so funny.

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Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

delan's avatar

Is that like leaving the comma out of "Let's eat, grandma!"?

Tee, and then a hee :-)

ApolloAndy's avatar

The panda eats shoots and leaves
The panda eats, shoots and leaves.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

rollergator's avatar

SFGAdv lover said:
I think we're all confused about what the question was...I take his question to mean that it's been SBNO the longest...nothing at all to do with track length.

Sorry, I couldn't help myself - someone has to take threads "off-track". This one was mine, given the vague title... ;)

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