LL Flyers.... HUH?

Althought I had fun on them. I couldn't get them to snap. Is it because they're fiberglass and too heavy or something. I was pissed when I couldn't. Help and explanation...cough cough Arrow Guy cough cough

It's his turn to feast, when you ride the Son of Beast.

rollergator's avatar

I can't say 100%, but I did notice they were HEAVY when I checked them out (it broke down just before we got on). I know when we put two people, the snapping is MUCH harder to do....the weight, I am pretty sure, is the issue. (Of course, the way to compensate for that is to spin the flyers a *bit* faster, but we as riders can't do much about that, can we?)

I THOUGHT I had read someone talking about snapping LL's flyers though, so maybe there is more to it than I am aware of.....

Welcome to the Cedar Point skyride....we'll take you up 50, drop you down 30, all at an amazing speed of 6 miles per hour....we won't see you back unless you make the return trip!

I'm pretty sure Charles Nungester had some tips in a TR somewhere.

"drop rides, not bombs."

I think at least part of the problem is the flat nose on the sail...the sails on the ride at Kings Island are these nice aerofoils while the ones at LeSourdsville Lake are flat on the nose, and so won't operate quite like an airplane wing ought to.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

rollergator's avatar
ahhhh, creating a "drag". HW's were just plain slow....even KG's are no longer the snapping machines that you can find at PKI....(unless theirs has gotten faster since PPPPPP)....
For some reason, even if you don't try to snap, the Flyer's at Knoebels snap on their own. Its pretty fun.


the ones at Holiday World may not snap, but they are the best dive machines anywhere. I had them almost completely nose down from the top of the swing. If they would just crank up the speed to faster than a snale.

Whats life if you never get to the Po!nt?

I always wondered what you guys mean by getting them to "snap?"

It's when the cables of the flying "scooters" snap or hit into each other causing the car to shake and whip. Someone can probably provide a better description than that, but that sums it up pretty simply.

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The wings on the ones at LL just don't work for snapping. They get to flying but they don't snap.

The Beast and Night, They go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly

It takes a bit more skill to snap the Flying Scooters at LL, but when you get the hang of it, WATCH OUT!!

I rode a few times yesterday and had the most wicked snapping on any set of flyers I have done. No joke!

So much so that I was pooped on again by the 'grease hawk'. My back is still very sore, but it was worth it.

Just remember to move the sail faster, and almost the opposite way you want to go to get 'in the groove'. I took out a small section of a tree above the ride op yesterday on one of my last rides by accident.


Cough cough! LMAO...yeah I got that cold too! :) I have only been able to get a slight rumble out of them....Sean is right about turning the fin faster. I'll just have to practice some more on those, and the upcoming August 10th event (if it goes through) is the perfect opportunity. Wow I guess they aren't impossible after all. Chuck seems to know what he's doing as well!
Brad Sherman
BuzzCon Frequent Flyer, responsible for guests fleeing the queue in horror!
Model coasters and rides

Brad and other Doubting Thomas'.

These things are snapping machines! I would not lie to you!

Our first ride on opening night we got no snappage as I was trying the Knoebels/PKI style of riding. Well at this point there was a bit of a line so we went and rode something else. We came back while the ride was going and seen a empty tub with the wing tilted in, Snapping like Crazy!

I looked at them and noticed that people steering up on the upswing were going past verticle and totally out of line for a dive. I mentioned to Brian (swOHman) that as soon as you start to go up, STEER DOWN!, As soon as you start a good dive, BACK IT IN! (STEER UP) and sure enough, Brian was snapping way before me and soon I got the hang of it.

We were snapping like crazy all night long, The ride op even gave us free rides, Beings Eagle was down opening night we rode LL's Flyers for the last hour straight with 5 minute cycles. I mean to tell ya, Once you get the feel of it you can snap these things like crazy. I even got into some trick flying, It is easy to get these things to spin all the way around durring the ride and fly backwards!.

Chuck, who would be happy to give lessons any thursday or friday and will be there 7/5 all day.

Charles Nungester
Lesourdsville Lake, The great American amusement park opens the season June 6th Thurs-Sun every week. Park phone is (513)539-2193

I have a question, and I feel really dumb for asking this but what is snapping exactly?

Planned parks: Astroland, Knoebel's, Hersheypark, SFNE, SFGadv,SFGam,CP,PKI,PKD,PCW,HW,Indiana Beach,SFWOA,SFKK,SFDL,SFSTL,Lakemont,DelGrosso's... Need I say more?

MarimbaGuy 87: here is a desription of snapping is once said by Ride Man

The ride tub is basically a driven pendulum. It wants to oscillate at a particular frequency. You drive the pendulum into oscillation with the front sail. When you're just starting up, you want to use the sail to increase the amplitude of the swinging. That is, when the tub 'wants' to go up, you set the wing to fly outward; when it wants to go down, you set the sail to go down.

Now, if you just drive the pendulum motion, you can swing back and forth all day and never once snap the cable. The tricky bit is that once the tub is swinging, you vary the timing a bit. When the tub is still swinging upward, you use the sail to steer inward towards the center of the ride. If you're good at it, you can outrun the ride's natural motion a bit. What often happens when you do this is that you actually fly the tub in such a way that the cable is no longer carrying the weight of the tub. Trouble is, once that tension is gone, the forward motion...which is creating the air pressure that allows you to fly the tub...basically goes away, the tub stalls, and the ride catches up, pulling the slack out of the cables. A common reaction to that sudden jerk is to slingshot the tub skyward, and if you catch it just right, you can repeat the snap at the upper limit of the tub's swing.

Basically, You dive faster than the cables are rotating. You use your wing to brake the tub by slowing it down. which creates slack in the cables. When the cables tense again and the tub gets a jerk, SNAP!

Charles Nungester
Lesourdsville Lake, The great American amusement park opens the season June 6th Thurs-Sun every week. Park phone is (513)539-2193

rollergator's avatar
....a *slack* cable is a happy cable....not unlike humans...;)

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