Live near Chicago(SFGAm)? Cant wait for May 4th?

Then there is a smaller alternative to hold you park junkies over. Kiddieland in Melrose Park opens for the 2002 season on Saturday , April 13.

Its no SFGAm but if you are itching for that traditional amusment park feel and being able to ride a PTC junior woodie, then you can visit this park 3 weeks before SFGAm opens. Below is the link of prices and park schedule.

Im going to grab a cold one! WHAT? Walk to my computer! WHAT? Turn the thing on! WHAT? Log on to Coasterbuzz! WHAT? I said log on to Coasterbuzz!! WHAT?WHAT?WHAT?

stoogemanmoe's avatar
That coaster looks very cool Chitown. When was it built?
Beer, My Baby, and Coasters. Is this a great country or what? ;)
It was built in 1950. Its not tall or fast but it is fun. Its called the Little Dipper.
Im going to grab a cold one! WHAT? Walk to my computer! WHAT? Turn the thing on! WHAT? Log on to Coasterbuzz! WHAT? I said log on to Coasterbuzz!! WHAT?WHAT?WHAT?
I checked out the website but I don't see anything about height requirements for riding the coaster.  I'm 6' and about 240 and was wondering if I would be able to ride the coaster.  Also, I notice they have a ride called "Scooters."  Are these the traditional flying scooters like they have at Holiday World and PKI?  Also, on a side note, is there any way to get into Hillcrest park since it's not open to the general public?  Do they have a day where they are open to the public like Striker's Grove?
Based on your height and weight , you will be able to fit on Little Dipper. I have you beat by 2 inches in height and weigh 230 and I fit into the cars pretty good. No height requirement exists for the coaster. The Scooters are your classic bumper cars. As far as Hillcrest park, I was told that you need to call them in advance and tell them that you would like to ride their coaster. They would set up a date for you to visit but only to ride the coaster and then leave. You might as well just go to Kiddieland because their coaster along with Hillcrests are clones of eachother.
"The Peoples Elbow" or "The Spinaroonie?. Cant decide which is the most electrifying move in sports entertainment!!! LOL
*** This post was edited by Chitown on 2/4/2002. ***

*** This post was edited by Chitown on 2/4/2002. ***

beast7369's avatar
Thats partially true Chitown.  They really are mirror images in actuallity.  I have been fortunate enough to ride both.  Honestly unless you are looking for a token ride to increase the quantity of coasters you have ridden then it may not be worthwhile to go to Hillcrest only to ride the coaster.  It is a very beautiful and heavily wooded private picnic grounds.  Highly recommend going if you can actually spend time there.
Now open Zero-G Thrills, an all new Coaster and Amusement Park Photos site
Awww geez! I stopped there last year on Labor Day after hitting the Dells and Little A-Merrick-A, but due to traffic and terrible storms I didn't get there until just before 9pm. Of course they wouldn't let me buy a ticket, and I had to grumble all the way back to South Bend! I really want to check that junior out. I wasn't aware of Hillside...thanks for the info. Maybe this year I'll hit all the little parks around Chicago on my "backwards Eagle" trip!
Don't.....look.....back! The Headless Horseman awaits you in 2002!
Model coasters and rides
its so cute!!!
Out of the coasters i've ridden here is wat i rank them overall:(ive been to canobie lake and SFNE)
1. S:RoS 2. Yankee Cannonball 3. Riverside Cyclone 4. Canobie Corkscrew 5. Thunderbolt 6. Galaxy 7. Mind Eraser 8. Dragon coaster 9. poison ivy's tangled

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