Line games

What kinda brain/verbal games do you play while waiting in a massive line with others in your party to pass the time? I know of a few but I always manage to forget when we finally get there and I spend the whole time in line trying to remember the rules to the game.
The same ones we play all the time: MOVIE QUOTES!

1) "I'm not gonna fall for a banana in the tailpipe!"
2) a: "I feel sorry for your mother!"
b: "Whut'chu say about my momma!"
a: "I dont want any trouble..."
3) "You got knocked da phuck out!"
4) "Anything you want Leo..gets"
5) "Come son of Jor-el, kneel before Zod!"

A big fat kudo to anyone that can get all 5 (NOTE: #5 actually has TWO answers, a double kudo if you get both of them!)
"To get inside this head of mine, would take a monkey-wrench, and a lot of wine" Res How I Do

Oh, I've got a ton.

1) This is the most popular: You name a movie, or a singer, or a book, and the next person has to name another that starts with the same letter as the last word in yours. For example, I'd say, "Jurassic Park," and you could say, "Pretty Woman," and the next person could say, "Waterworld."

2) Go through the alphabet trying to name something of a specific category that starts with each letter (like movies, books, even coasters). For example, you'd say, "Alpengiest," and the next guy would say, "Beast," and the next guy would say, "Cornball Express."

3) Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon (in case you don't know how to play, you just name an actor and link him to Kevin Bacon. For example, Tobey Maguire. He was in "The Ice Storm" with Christina Ricci, who was in "Mermaids" with Cher, who was in "Moonstruck" with Nicolas Cage, who was in "The Rock" with Ed Harris, who was in "Apollo 13" with Kevin Bacon. You're supposed to do it in six steps or less).

4) Just thinking up the craziest coaster designs and discussing them.

He let the contents of the bottle do the thinking; can't shake the devil's hand and say you're only kidding.

joe.'s avatar
5) Superman and Mallrats.

"I own you!"
-quotes I have been known to exclaim on coasters.

Actually, Superman II and Mallrats.

1. Beverly Hills Cop II?

2. Menace to Society?

3. Rush Hour ?

Ric Flair was hitting on the female host, he told her - "Space Mountain may be the oldest ride in the park, but it has the longest line." WOOOOO!

*** This post was edited by Chitown on 7/23/2002. ***

4. Lethal Weapon II

I Spy works, movie quotes is pretty fun. Just about anything works to pass the time. Charades is both fun and annoying to people not playing.

Movie Quote:"Who's that?","He's an ***hole,sir","No, what's his name?","That's his name, Major ***hole."

What is it Lassie? Did Timmy fall down the well again? Rough. Did Mr. Wilson have a heart attack? Rough. Is the drug dealer here for his money? Rough Rough. RUN!

1.) have no idea

2.) Don't be a meance in South Centeral while drinking your juice in the hood.

3.) Friday

4.) I think it is Lethal Weapon IV

5.) One of those Superman movies and Mallrats Jay says it and he adds SCOOTCIE BOOTCIES.

Heres one for yall

a. You use to find me beautiful.

b. Yeah, but you got REAL ugly!

I do lots of stuff:

1. Time dispatches with a stopwatch.
2. Count how many times I see a train "stacked."
3. Count and itemize the pieces of litter I see on the ground.
4. Confront smokers and "line-jumpers."
5. Complain about any and all of the above.

After a good thirty minutes of this, I'm really in the right frame of mind to hop on a ride and have fun.

What I really do: B.S. with whoever I'm with, check out all things "stacked" that aren't coasters, etc. Oh yeah, sometimes I have a "square." I kid, I kid...

Look outside, I know that you'll recognize it's summertime. - The Flaming Lips "It's Summertime (throbbing orange pallbearers)"

*** This post was edited by chris on 7/23/2002. ***

mikerose2 said:

Heres one for yall

a. You use to find me beautiful.

b. Yeah, but you got REAL ugly!

Army of Darkness?

Ric Flair was hitting on the female host, he told her - "Space Mountain may be the oldest ride in the park, but it has the longest line." WOOOOO!

I play the waiting game for a hour or two.

You can hear the laughter, you can hear the mighty roar. From the brickyard down in Indy to the white Chicago shore. It's a rollin', twistin', turnin' and might we both suggest. You get you fanny ridin' on the Cornball Express!

I play the game where you flip a coin and guess which one comes out;) Movies quites are fun.


The quiet game.... Please shut up and don't be rude in line. If you have a basketball, this is grounds for destruction.

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.

Good going Chi!
Ah, here's a nice one my friend and I did while we were waiting to ride the Orient Express one day. We both started shushing and making a really big deal about it. ("SHHHH SHHHHHH BE QUIET!) Until we got the entire Q-Line totally silent. Finally someone yelled "Why are we all being quiet?!" Next time I'm at a theme park I think I'll try that one again. ;-)

Mamba;The inspiration for SD2K. It doesnt get much better than that. Come to the Midwest;and ride the most underrated coaster in the U.S.

I like to play "Spot the Mullet".

Although it's better played when your roaming the midways you somtimes see a good one in line. It's even better if theres one right next to you in line. :)

Knoebels visits in 2002. 6

1) Close Chitown, it was the first BHC
2) Good Chitown!
3) Good Mikerose2!
4) Good Vipper
5) Good again Vipper! (and I'm pretty sure it was snootchie bootchies heheheheh)

Raging Rider: Spaceballs: The Motion Picture

Try these:
1) a: Ladies!
2) What we have here is a fine specimen of pure Alabama Blacksnake, but it aint too got d@mn beaucoup (bo-coo).
3) We're gonna need some more FBI guys.
4) Oh no you didnt shoot that green schitt at me!
5) Mama that alligators are onery cause they got all them teeth and no toothbrush
--"What's the matter Colonel Sanders...CHICKEN[/i?!?"
"To get into this head of mine, would take a monkey-wrench, and a lot of wine" Res How I Do


1) House Party

2) Full Metal Jacket

3) Die Hard?

4) Independence Day

5) The Water Boy

1.) don't know I was thinking Jay and Silent Bob Strike back, or one of Kevin Smith's films.

2.)Full Metal Jacket

3.) One of my favorite movies. DIE HARD

4.) ID4, Will Smith says it in the first air battle over LA.

5.) The The The The Waterboy. Because he says "No your wrong Col Sanders, mommas right" and then football tackles him.

BTW I watch a lot of movies.

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