Ugh... Batman The Escape, Shockwave (Drayton), and Le Cobra or whatever that one at La Ronde is called, and Flashback/Z-Force are GIOVANOLA! Look at the Giovanola website, it shows a picture of Shockwave, and look at the track construction... That is also Giovanola. It's like Goliath's and Titans, with a rounded tie, unlike B&M's ties that have corners. Or maybe the tie shapes are vice versa, but either way, the Intamin standups and Space Diver are Giovanola. Look past the "track at a glance" and look at "the track upon closer inspection."
Until someone comes forward with hard evidence that any of these 4 rides are B&M-related, I will refuse to belive it, and preach my theory that it's all Giovanola.
I still have no signature.
*** This post was edited by TrBiggar on 2/23/2002. ***