Launched K'Nex Coaster!

Jeff's avatar
Actually they work exactly like real coasters. You just have to keep in mind that gravity does not scale with the size of the ride, it remains constant.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - -
"The world rotates to The Ultra-Heavy Beat!" - KMFDM

needless quotation removed

Yeah, thats what i wanted to say! :) Also you have to try and make it so it doesnt shake that much, it REALLY takes off speed!
SFGAm Viper
*** This post was edited by Jeff 2/18/2003 8:51:21 AM ***

Very nice there Viper. "X"celent job on the tower too. I like the idea of using KNEX for support on that otherwise flimsy system. If only I had enough leftover to use!
Brad Sherman
"Crying is for little girls, babies and men who just had their ears ripped off!" - Oobedoob "Scoobi-doobi" Benubi, Thumb Wars
Wow. I've been working on my own K'nex launch using 2 K'nex windup motors and string to push the car like the flywheel or hydraulic launch

Visit Oklahoma! My government doesn't know how to budget money so they need yours.
*** This post was edited by OsFn8 2/18/2003 12:31:53 AM ***

and for those who said "i dont call it a non inverting corkscrew" and "i made up that name a few years ago" whats your point?! Whether i call it a inverted corkscrew or a Fat Milk Udder its still the same part of the track. :)

Settle down... I just think the name is silly.

Is that a Q-bot in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

ShiveringTim's avatar
One thing I noticed with the Cool Coasters trains is that there aren't any guide wheels. If you do anything with the track where the train is not riding on it's road wheels or upstops, the track rubs the wheel assembly frame and brings the train to a nice stop.

Scott W. Short, "A-Lister"

SFGAm Viper said:

No we didnt because, like almost all toys like this..the speed dies out FAST. Sometimes it barely makes it over the "non-inverting corkscrew" even though its less than half the size of the Top Hat. This happened with the old Knex coaster too. The 1st drop was 6' 9" at a 60 degree angle, the 2nd hill was 3' 6" tall, then 2', then 1' these toys unfortunately dont work like real coasters :)

The reason that the trains don't go very far is because the light weight and high amount of friction for it's size. Real Roller coasters are very heavy and they ride on wheels with ball berrings.

You can try adding weight to the trains. Just make sure to add it evenly through the three cars or more weight towards the front. Just remember, a heavier train is harder to launch, and puts more stress on the supports. If you have a weak spot on your supports, you might want to strengthen it with more supports before you try adding weight to the trains.

You can also put some graphite lubricant [it's a very fine powder] to friction points, such as where the wheels touch the axles.

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