LaRonde! 'Family Day' 5/29

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Well after going through the counter and buying my 04 season pass, I entered ym favorite park with a cheerful attitude. It wasn't the nicest day so I thought the weather would work to my advantage(I was wrong...). I do not particularly remember the order of rides, but here they are:

Toboggan Nordique(Wild Mouse): After going around the park for 30 mins to see what's new, we got in line for this freaky lil' ride. We had just entered the que after it had opened, so there was a 15 min. wait. BUT right b4 we got on, it broke. The ride op claled the technician and 15 mins later, my friends and I were test dummies on one of the scariest types of rides. (I felt bad for the people who were stuck on the brakes for the whole time the ride was being fixed!)

Orbit (S&S): Waited 20 mins for one of the best flats at the park. What a rush! I love this ride everytime, never lets me down, always 'shoots me up;)'.

Manitou (Zamp. Discovery): Waited 1.5 hours for this (the park was the fullest I've ever seen it', weird for a weekend in March). This ride is great, so disorientating, confusing, I love it. But the broke down the first time we went in line, so we returned an hour later.

Boomerang: Waited 50 mins for a great ride. I love the ride, period.

Monster: Track 1 closed, track 2 (one train morning, 2 trainr est of day). My favorite wooden, only a 30 min wait! wanted back but too long of a wait so i got second cart. This ride was much better than I remembered from last year. As a safety procaution, they added seatbelts(Superman Incident i presume). Also, there was this large woman who could not fit in the ride, instead of refusing her, the ride op struggled with the bar for 10 mins (he hurt himself). Can't he refuse her? Great ride!!!!

Tour de Ville (Swings): Good ride, nice pass time.

Vampire (B:TR): I LOVE THIS RIDE!!! Its so intense, compact and thrilling. only an hour wait, running two trains!!! The first time I've seen it done... What canI say, the Vampire is still as popular as it was 2 years ago.

SPLASH: Opening weekend (A HUGE SUCCESS)Did not ride (Too cold), but stood on the bridge. The theming is good, theres an old boat, a HUGE shark, and the area resembles a fisherman's village.

Sponge Bob: Ok...

For safety: LaRonde took more time to check restraints, and were more observant. Seat belts were added on some rides and the ride ops checked alot of little kids for height (Good imporvement).

Ups: Great day at my home park! Alot of rides done and a very joyful mood in the park. Employees were very enthusiastic and cheerful. Lots of overall improvements, more security, quicker dispatch, even with mrroe safety and overall, i felt very happy leaving the park.

Downs: Lots of rides broke down (most were repaired shortly). For "Family Day (Sponsored by Coca Cola)", this did not look good. I told a ride op, "All the rides are breaking down, that's not good for family day!" Boy did he get annoyed. Tornado (Huss Topspin) was not working, I heard they switched its routine to a more cough*crappy*cough less-intense ride, what a shame.

Hope you liked the TR, come to LaRonde and enjoy what this great park ahs to offer! *** Edited 5/30/2004 11:28:23 PM UTC by Canadian Dude***

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