Here are some suggestions I have found useful when making very large parks on the flat map:
First I build the entrance path straight for about 10 path squares and then connect it with the rest of the paths around the park. This give you the ‘T’ shape.
With this first path you know
all guests will go by this section. A problem I kept running into was that unhappy peeps would leave my park because they couldn’t find a ride within their intensity preferences. By controlling what all the peeps go by you can put three ride entrances along this section. I build a low, medium and high intensity ride.
Another problem is that peeps never go to the back of the park because they find too many rides on the way there. I make that first low intensity ride a shuttle- monorail that goes to the back of the park and then comes back. This populates that back expanses of the park, as well as making the front less crowded.
Another key is to make those first rides very high capacity. Long lines make peeps mad. I build a coaster that it is short, but exciting so the capacity is high. Also don’t build low capacity rides like log flumes anywhere near the front.
With those first couple rides you should have the ride exits lead far from that first main path. You want the peeps happy and moving away from the entrance. Also It helps if you advertise the rides in the back so more peeps head to the back.
Also I use that first path to place a few info kiosks, so peeps can get maps and umbrellas.
Don’t put food stalls anywhere near the entrance. This bogs down peeps who stay around the entrance where you don’t want them. To conclude, this first path moves peeps to the back of the park, makes them happy, excites them, and gets you a good park rating and a higher capacity park. Well, that is about it because I don’t want to build your whole park for you. If anyone has any additional suggestions, please post and let us know!
------------- for Real/Defunct/mini coasters and parks for RCT