Lakemont Park (6/24/04)

Associated parks:

The park was almost completely empty. Everything was a walk on and many times you could continue riding without having to get off and reboard.

My trip:

Leap-the-Dips-5 or 6 times, I lost count. Great ride, I took my digital camera on the coaster and videoed the entire thing from the front seat (I asked permission first, fyi).

Skyliner-24 times. Many times in the front, back, and middle. Skyliner is now the coaster that I have ridden the most in one day (it beat Raptor, 14 times last May). I also like the new paint design on the cars. It says 'GO CURVE' with the Altoona Curve's logo there. (For those that don't know, Skyliner is directly in view from the Altoona Curve Stadium, you can see the game front Lakemont).

Paddle Boats-only park I know that doesn't charge to ride. Rode these twice, first time ever. I didn't know Lakemont had such a huge lagoon.

I basically rode everything there, many a few times. They removed Mad Mouse coaster, which I hated much. In its place is a Gladiator fun house and a dark ride actually called 'Dark Ride.' Both are carnival, trailer-mounted rides and both charged a dollar to ride. I rode Dark Ride twice, it's really not that scary, a lot of light leaks though.

Other positives:

-I noticed more trees and flowers are being planted, which is a high plus.

-Very reasonable prices from games and the gift shop. Food is pricy but that's alright.


-almost half the ride operators are scary looking. They look like the types of people you see at the mall or somewhere that have the dyed hair, numerous peircings, and trenchcoat, gothic outfits. Major turnoff for the park. Especially the guy running Skyliner, very scary.

-The person operating the Round Up didn't wait to make sure everyone was buckled in yet before he started the ride. Everyone was but still he should've checked.

-Lakemont has a policy of no smoking in ride lines or food lines but yet an operator on Skyliner was smoking.

Overall, Lakemont is an awesome little park. It isn't advertised much and doesn't really get the respect it should. No other park can take credit to housing the world's oldest roller coaster and I think they should advertise that more. Very, very cheap admission of $7.95 ($5.95 on Thursday with a coupon). Wednesdays are dollar days, $2.00 to ride all day, $1.00 for mini golf and $1.00 go-karts after 6 pm.

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