Lakemont Park!

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Well, a friend and i decided to go on a whirlwind railroad tour, which included Altoona. While we were there, on Friday night, we sent over to lakemont Park. for $6 after 5pm, you can't really complain. I never intended to stay long, just enough to get some shots, ride the coasters, and that's about it. Nice little park, although many of the employees looked like they just wanted to die, rather than be there. First ride was Skyliner. No line up, sat in the front seat. WOW, what a ride. just a wee bit rough, BUT, the front seat was nothing compared to what we were about to experience, in the back seat. I can't recall the last time i had to hold on (probably about 20yrs ago) this was mostly due to NOT wanting to keep flying into my friend. That rear seat was a rough one. But, it was a great ride, and just to experience all 3 cars, i rode it again in the middle car. I really did like that ride. Next was the Chance Toboggan. Just seeing it on some websites made me want to ride it. Of course, little did i realise how small the cars were, and how many times i was going to crack my head on the final stretch of the ride. Still, a neat ride to add to the list of rides been on. Leap the Dips was still not running, bummer. Maybe next time. That was about all we did. Rode the train, since i used to run one of those on a private estate, and just bought a couple souvenirs. I did like this little park, and would go back again (gotta get a ride on LTD) and the Skyliner. Hey, I even saw the "GET HAMMERED" hammer from another discussion on here..


Did you work for Mr. Jackson? (j/k)

I really like Skyliner a lot. No one really talks a lot about it, but I think it is very unique. I love how the bottom of some of the drops seem to be flat, yet if you look close at them, the flat section goes downhill to keep up speed. The turnaround near the station is really intense. you should ride it just after a rain when it slides instead of rolls.

Tobogan is a torture device, not a ride, imho.

Poor Leap The Dips. Make sure you come back to ride it whaen it is open. It has no upstops, or track really. it seems like you are riding a skateboard through a wooden ditch. The last few drops are a hoot. I laugh out loud every time I ride it.

Even though a park is fun when hardly anyone is there, I prefer Lakemont to be somewhat busy. It's just more fun when there are a lot of people there. even with a long line and the one and only train running, Skyliner is never any more than a 15 minute wait.

I am so over that hammer toy incident. I should have looked at the toy more closely before letting him have it.

I also love the Skyliner. I rode it a couple years ago. I had to grab my daughter before she went flying out. We rode it about 20 times that day. My parents swear they are moving back to Altoona so I guess if I have to visit them atleast during the season I can get in a couple of rides.


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