Lake Compounce makes Chicago news. Disturbing!!!!

Why do I say disturbing? Because the media has created a frenzy from a small park on the east coast. Fox News Chicago reported the stall on Zoomerang and even showed footage of the train stuck in the cobra roll. They talked about the stall and also brought up the death that happened the day before. If it made news in Chicago, than I am concerned because the politicians are going to feed off of this. This type of news, and even the death that happened with Boulder Dash shouldnt have made it to the Chicago area. The media is going to love this. I feel so sorry for Lake Compounce. Markey is going to act like a meat eater and lust on this.

""Coaster riding is a disease and SFGAm is the cure!!!!!!!""
I know what you're saying.

Is it just me, or have there been a LOT of coaster related incidents recently? It's kinda odd. All this negitive attention the amusment industry is recieving kida concerns me... :(

Still doesn't change the fact that Markey is an idiot :).

(Who will be at Cedar Point August 9th. E-mail me if you're gonna be there.)
It's even been on Green Bay news. My mom got me mad. For some crazy reason she thought it was a segment on Deja Vu...
(no, she doesn't know Deja Vu is called a boomerang, so she wouldn't mix up the two)

Everybodys got something to hide except for me and my monkey!
also on the Los Angeles news. There is probably not any more incidents than a normal summer, but as soon as the media hears about one they report them all, if there wasnt a major incident we probably woudnt even hear about the boomerang stalling type of things

This made the Springfield, MO news tonight as well. That's a long way for news to travel to a city of 200,000. And the news was a boomerang stalling in the cobra roll? This has to happen at least three times a year. It's a Vekoma law or something! :) I can see it now:

"Roller coasters are now proven to cause mental distress from the 'danger' of these stalls. I am pushing legislation that would ensure that each rider would have to complete a thirty-hour "How to Handle the Mental Anguish of Coasters" course, in addition to my legislation calling for coaster height limits, G-force limits, limits on endorphins released in pleasure by humans while riding a coaster limits..." -- Ed Markey, 2002 Campaign Platform

What a dum bass! I guess money can still buy some people votes (how else did he get elected?), although I thought that only happened in Chicago...

According to the "official" count, next year's new coaster lineup will feature 17 Arrow 4-Ds, 21 TA2Ks, 34 B&M floorless's, 17 Intamin Gigas, 12 beemer flyers, and 247 CCIs. And oh yeah, CP will receive one of all of these.

The Rentch said:

I guess money can still buy some people votes (how else did he get elected?), although I thought that only happened in Chicago...

According to the "official" count, next year's new coaster lineup will feature 17 Arrow 4-Ds, 21 TA2Ks, 34 B&M floorless's, 17 Intamin Gigas, 12 beemer flyers, and 247 CCIs. And oh yeah, CP will receive one of all of these."

Whats that supposed to mean? Paying for votes in Chicago. You need to get a clue.

""Coaster riding is a disease and SFGAm is the cure!!!!!!!""
Yes!......It's not in the Rockford Register Star.

Dangit!....I just heard it on the local news.
"We are no longer the knights who say Ni! We are now the knights who say eckyeckyeckyeckypakungloopoingengzourjin." "Ni" *** This post was edited by Krazy on 6/15/2001. ***
Rentch is right. It is a "Vekoma Law" that these things stall frequently. Lake Compounce's boomerang coaster (called Zoomerang) does not have the catwalk at the cobra roll like some others (SFNE for instance). If it did, the patrons probably would have walked off and the incident would have been over real quick. The fire dept would not have been called, so media pictures of the stalled train would not been made, most likely. The incident would have still made the news, tho. Think they will install a catwalk? BTW, the Lake's boomerang coaster is not among the smoothest, Great Escape is smooth and SFNE also (IMO, I rode all three this year).
I know you rider Gonna miss me when I'm gone
People don't pay for votes in Chicago. However, dead people used to vote a lot in Chicago elections!

Where would CP put all of these coasters that are supposed to go in next year?
I was just making a joke about some of the voting discrepancies that have occurred over the years in Chicago (see 1960 presidential election). I didn't mean to offend anyone, and it wasn't a slam at the people of Chicago. I love the Windy City, and I hope to visit there again soon. Sorry about the misunderstanding.

According to the "official" count, next year's new coaster lineup will feature 17 Arrow 4-Ds, 21 TA2Ks, 34 B&M floorless's, 17 Intamin Gigas, 12 beemer flyers, and 247 CCIs. And oh yeah, CP will receive one of all of these.
was it fox that you were watching? I got the same thing in Ohio. I have an idea, how about we forget about Markey? He won't get his way anyway.

Rollercoasters are the secret of life!
I saw it on CNN "Headline News". That is a country wide program isn't it? It was repeated a number of times during the day.
Come on Guy's this Is a strange occurance 2 things go wrong in 2 days thats news, with a death its national news. I do believe its in CB News section and thats national right or should Jeff not have posted it because 1 of the events is minor.

Army rangers lead the way

*** This post was edited by supermandl on 6/15/2001. ***
Accidents are going to happen, no matter what. I remember back in 1999 or 2000 when quite a few accidents occured in a single week. As you can imagine, the media had a frenzy with that.

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.

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