Lake Compounce? Expanding??

We drove by today and they had tons of work trucks and cranes all over it. The back gate was open and we could see them building *something* but I haven't heard anything on it. Their were also two people standing outside the gate taking photos of whatever their doing :)

Could be the new lazy river they are adding to Anchor Bay.
Some possibilities include lazy river construction, Starlite Ballroom renovation, and re-installation of rides put into storage over the winter.

*** Edited 4/29/2005 2:05:07 AM UTC by James Ben*** Canobie Lake Park Information Archive
Mamoosh's avatar
Big waterpark expansion. It was announced a long time ago.
They will be expanding in the future but not this season. The rode you were on is going to be moved and they will be expanding. Right now they are going through a lot of red tape with the zoning boards. You have to remember LC is on the border of 2 towns Bristol and Southington so things take twice as long. Next season their putting in the screaming swing and 2007 they're putting in the antique cars they have in storage. They will continue to grow which i'm glad about since I live only 10mins away.
As with Kennywood, they will be adding a Screamin' Swing ride by S&S. No news on whether or not they will hold the same "Name that ride" contest as Kennywood or just use the same name.

Kennywood Team Member Since 2003 Kennywood is CLOSED
The construction you see now is for the lazy river. The Starlight Ballroom renovations looked complete last time I drove by.

Aj: I believe the road moving project has been approved by the Southington zoning board. The section of road does not stretch into Bristol (unless plans have changed). As far as I know we are now waiting on the Army Corps of Engineers to approve the project. You live 10 minutes away ? I actually live on Mt Vernon Rd between LC and Mt Southington Ski Area.

According to Lake Compounce, their Screamin' Swing will be named "Thunder n’ Lightning". However, because its construction isn't scheduled to start until July 2005 (the ride will open in 2006), it is unlikely that what the original poster saw is related. Also, there are no firm plans for the Antique Cars, so it is not guaranteed that they will be installed in 2007. Canobie Lake Park Information Archive

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