Lake Compounce-7/18- better than ever

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As a part of the "counselor in training" program, a free trip to The Lake was our reward. We got to the park 1/2 an hour before the park opened, ate homemade lunches, and entered the park. We ran to the park's highlight, Boulderdash.

Boulderdash- 11/10- Seriously, this ride kicks. I've been to the park and ridden this coaster many times, but this year it seems to be at the top of its game. In the past, I remember the coaster to not have a lot of airtime and not very intense laterals. But today, Boulderdash proved me wrong. Last year's profiling that I saw must have contributed to this. Boulderdash blew me away. Every small hill had airtime, every turn had incredible laterals. Even the first ride of the day felt like the coaster had been running all night. Our group got three rides in before the line developed.

We then headed over to Zoomerang and got 2 rides on it. Zoomerang seemed incredibly smooth, I don't even recall any headbanging whatsoever. This got an above average rating of 7/10. Throughout the day, we also rode Wildcat (7/10), the Pirate, Twister, Rotor, the log flume, Thunder Rapids Raft Ride (I almost survived completely dry, but the last dip got me), the train and the trolley. The fries from the potato patch were outstanding, and the free soda was awesome.

Overall Review = Flat Rides- 7/10, Coasters- 25/30, Water Rides- 8/10, Park Atmosphere/Themeing/etc.- 10/10, Staff- 7/10 (some took their sweet time working their rides, but otherwise they were o.k.), Capacity- 10/10 (the park was practically deserted besides the waterpark).

I think the Lake is extremely underrated. It has average rides which please the crowd, and great rides that please everyone. The atmosphere carries the park, though. No one can turn down this. I can almost take the Lake over SFNE now, and I seek thrills!

Lake Compounce is extremely close to becoming a true contender with the larger parks. There's a lot of small pieces of land scattered across the park where they can fit some flat rides into. Places in mind are near Zoomerang's boomerang element, near Boulderdash/ Music Express, and in between the southern train station and the river ride. There's even room for some smaller-sized coasters, like near the southern train station and behind Zoomerang near the haunted graveyard. I know they don't want to turn into a huge thrill park, but a couple short coasters could put them on a larger map.

If you can, head out to the Lake, a great park that you will enjoy.

I lost my hat on Poison Ivy. How pathetic.

Can't wait to go this year! I haven't been since 2000 when Boulder Dash opened. I forgot just how awesome it was ( even though it's my number 2 coaster ). How were the lines?

Top 3
1-S:RoS @ SFNE
2-Boulder Dash
3-Yankee Cannonball

I was there on July 19, and lines for Boulderdash were about Half an Hour to an Hour wait. I've found myself having a new favorite ride.

OoOoOo....Boulder Dash *Drools Excessively*
"That helix turns me on" - Nightride at CoasterCon

SFNE Dude- The park was practically empty except us. The lines never got past the station really. This was a Friday, I was surprised. The day did call for rain, though, so some people might have been discouraged coming to the park, leaving the lines shorter for us.

I lost my hat on Poison Ivy. How pathetic.

Even on Boulder Dash?

Top 3
1-S:RoS @ SFNE
2-Boulder Dash
3-Yankee Cannonball

All I have to say about Compounce is WOW!

I went there throughout my trip to KW, HP, SFGAdv, LC, SFNE, & Knoebels.... And it was by far the highlight of the whole trip! Yeah, Better than every last one of those parks IMO.

In Fact, its my new #3 favorite park, just under BGW & CP...and Ive been to Sfmm before too, lol. I think I was just sick and tired of Six Flags type parks where everything is so crowded, lines are helacious, and the day isnt even fun...This park really jumped out at me.

First off, free pop, my family couldnt get over that, we had to pee so much throughout the day, it was awesome lol!

Second off, Boulder Dash is my new #3 coaster behind SROS Sfne, and MF! So basically its my new favorite woodie as well....over Phoenix and Ghostrider! Plus The Wildcat was way beyond my expectations, although rough at points, it had some awesome airtime!

Third, this park had the best setting anyone could imagine, right along a beautiful mountain range, there is no better place for a park. The skyride was so peaceful and awesome...we could see the ESPN headquarters from up there....and going down the mountain on that thing is really awesome, its such a steep angle going down!

Fourth, Everyone there is so nice, everyone seemed so happy to be there. We even just asked some employees about ESPN and we talked to them for about 10-15 minutes about how to get a tour. We never ended up trying for one because they dont give them out regularly, and we needed to leave for Sfne, but hell, those people were so nice!

Fifth, alright i could probably make about 20 of these nice things to say but ill stop right here and talk about the waterpark and thatll be it.... After spending half the day power riding, we decided to swim and go on the slides and it was a blast! i hadnt swam at an amusement park in a longgg time, so this easily gets my #1 water park since i rarely swim at a park! it was amazing though, the Lighthouse Slide was the best! And the lake was awesome just to swim in, its so warm, i would imagine the water is around 80-85 or something, it was perfect!

Really, I cant say enough about this park, it was perfect for us after a day each at Kennywood, Hershey, and was nice to have a park like that stuck right in the middle of our trip. Best park of our trip, even over Knoebels and every other park really.....

Ive already decided that if I lived anywhere other than Ohio, itd be Connecticut!
The Best (Unknown) Band Ever....July For Kings!
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Another Lake Compounce enthusiast. Absoulty amazing park. I am with you.Boulderdash is my favorite wooden coaster! Free soda is an amazing feature. The sky ride is very unique and has great scenary. Even their boomerang,Zoomerang is smooth. Prices are cheap compared to other parks and is one of the best landscaped parks if not the best! Great price $30 to get in. I can see why the Lake is 157 years old. And between you and me I want to see it last for another 157 years.
How is the new carousel pavilion?

Ripple Rock Amusement Park
Flying Scooter coming soon!

It is very nice. Very good atmosphere.
Yes, the new carousel building is very nice, and it creates a great lively feel in that section of the park that was a little quiet before. The building itself is beautiful, and it is very open allowing the carousel to be visible from the outside and allowing the gorgeous band organ to play into the surrounding area unlike the old building which was rather enclosed. The carousel itself looks lovely with it's new shiny floor and clean look. The effort they put into maintaining this classic carousel is a great sign that Lake Compounce takes pride in their park.
Lake Compounce hates to see anything bad. They like to reveal things even which might upset their business. They have friendly employees and the free soda is wonderful! Kudos to Lake Compounce for building Boulderdash when all other parks will not have atempted such as a insane and audacious project.
God I love the lake....I think that when i went there, i was just so fed up w/ all the normal parks Six Flags, Cedar Fair, Paramount...i mean in all those parks its loud, lines are usually long and whatnot...capacity is also a problem at some of those places....Not LC though, heck no, lol

that place is not loud, isnt very crowded, and is beautiful....i like it 10x better than their "daddy" kennywood! And kennywood is great! Damn LC is sweet, I really dont know when to stop about this park so i will now just to save you guys from enduring more of my painstaking responses!

The Best (Unknown) Band Ever....July For Kings!
Why haven't you checked them out yet?!
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