Lake Compounce- 7/24

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Since the weather was cool on Wednesday, my brother and grandparents decided to go to Lake Compounce. I was trying out my new digital camera, and got some good pictures, totaling 93. We first headed to Wildcat and had a decent line, so I headed over to Boulderdash while my brother went on the Bumper Cars (he doesnt care for coasters).

At Boulderdash there was one train operation and a 20 minute wait. Due to stupidness in the crowd, the wait for the back was empty and the middle was packed. Of course I headed to the back.

Boulderdash- 10/10- Who said it has to warm up till it gets good? This thing was running awesome!!! Airtime on every hill, and laterels everywhere! I rode with some kid my age (14) and he asked how I kept my hands up. I just laughed.

I met up with my family and had some pizza at the place around the bumper cars. Then headed over to Ghost Hunt, which had a 25 minute wait. I kicked my bro's booty 800-440. We then headed over to Zoomerang.

Zoomerang- 7/10- Ran great today, no headbanging at all! I was impressed. I also noticed that the chain dog that brings the train up the hill was themed!

I went around getting pictures of Zoomerang, Top Spin, Twister, Pirate and the flume for a while when it was time for some more dashing of boulders.

Boulderdash- no rate- I was taking onride pictures and wasn't really riding the ride. Although I noticed ALL of the g's and was really hard to take the pictures. It seems you get more g's if you sit alone, because that side of the car is heavier than the other side.

After this my bro wanted to go on the river rapids so I walked over getting some pics of Boulderdash and the trolley. We got there and my brother got sick (prolly that nasty pizza). So I got some pics of the river rapids, and didn't bother going on since I didn't want to get wet. I've already been on it numerous times. My brother started to get really sick so we decided to go home, but not with one last ride of Boulderdash. I rode it in the second to back car.

Boulderdash- 10/10- seemed faster, because I had a bunch of fat guys on the ride. Great ride and my #1 wood coaster.

Next trips- Great Escape (2 days hopefully) as I am going on vacation to Lake George. Trip after that planned- Canobie Lake and Funtown USA in ACE's Preservation Conference...dang I don't have a hotel room yet!!!!!

I lost my hat on Poison Ivy. How pathetic.

Good TR. Boulderdash sounds sweet.

Steel: 1)MF, 2)Goliath, 3)Magnum
Wood: 1)Villain, 2)Beast, 3)Roar(SFMW)

Nice TR! I went to LK today. I just got back. BD is now my #1 wood.

In 4 Days My 100th Coaster will be HyperSonic XLC

Great very rare trip report!


Nice TR.


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My Canobie Lake Park Page

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*** This post was edited by SFNE Dude on 7/28/2002. ***

What exactly does Zoomerang's chain dog look like?

Thanks for the TR, Boulderdash sounds absolutely great!!

You got to love Boulder Dash, that triple down dive that goes underneath the boulder is the best element I've seen on any wooden coaster.

Lake Compounce-So Fresh and So Clean Clean

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