Labor Day Coaster Shows

I remember a bunch of coaster shows airing labor day weekend, although unfortunatly I thought of this today (day after labor day). Does anyone know if a whole line of shows were aired, and if there will be any re runs?


Travel channel did reruns of Dollywood and some WDW tips form three different groups of FANatics.

Discovery had an American Chopper marathon.

I knew it. I just knew someone would bring this topic up. Anyways Since Extreme Rides 2003 which aired first labor day of last year for the most part there have been few new shows. I don't see why there can't be another extreme rides.

Lets see new rides that could be on the show: Thunderhead, Storm Runner, the Mummy, Superman SFNE( never on tv.) and even X scream.

-Eric: Major Parks: SFNE(homepark), SFA,SFGADV,CP,BGE,BGA,Kennywood,and Sea World: Track record 65 different coasters ridden #1 is Millennium Force #2 is El Toro and than there are all the others

^Very simple reason why no new shows aired on discovery channnel this season.

For starters no new prototypes were built,reviewing Storm runner would've been the same as the review they did for TTD & Excelerator for exemple.

Second,& I know I've said this hundreds of times already but discovery is more interested(more like obbsessed) with running that American chopper show every chance they get.....they stiffed us on memorial day with an AC marathon & they did it to us again over the labor day weekend as well.

That is because American Chopper is popular, which means more people want to see it. Since they are in it for making money, thats what they'll show.

I personally am fairly sick of the show, but tune in once in a while...

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