L.A. County Fair TR 9/14

Associated parks:

I just got back from the 2001 L.A. County Fair, and it rocked!  Tons of flat rides and a few coasters.
Wild Mouse:  My first mouse so I had high expectations and it more than lived up to it.  Small two person cars with some awesome turns and drops.  Rating: 8.5/10
Miller:  A small coaster with some nice drops.  Rating: 7/10
Flat Rides:
CHAOS:  Awesome as usuall. Rating: 9.5/10
Inverter:  Totally awesome but the OTSR hurt.  Rating: 8/10
Evolution:  Good ride very smooth and fun.  Rating: 9.4/10
Top Spin:  Excellent effects and good but whiplash filled ride.  Rating: 9/10
In all I had a good time, also if you check out the Castle Of Magical Discoveries, it is pretty fun for kids and adults that like to act as kids.  There was a Zipper there but they needed two riders and there wasn't another single in line so I couldn't ride.  They had a lot of slides and two flumes.  Also a Mega Drop but I didn't go on it because it just dropped you from about 75 feet.  I used 32 tickets totall today.
Thing I learned:  It can pay to have only one person because then you get to go to the front whenever there is an empty seat.
Check out the fair this year if you can, it goes until the 23rd so try your hardest to get there.  It is VERY fun!
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*** This post was edited by SpongeBob on 9/15/2001. ***

I just got back from the fair tonight and it was awesome. I liked the Mega Drop ride. It felt like it had more airtime than Supreme Scream.

Miller had some amazing airtime for such a little coaster. More than most of the coasters at the big parks (cough cough SFMM =\).

 The mouse coaster was my first to and all I got to say is SFMM needs one. Good airtime, was a little bit rough but it made the coster even funner.

The flat rides were fun but a few of them hurt my family jewels. Especially the Hard Rock ride. The one that had the motorcycle theme to it. That one was extreamly uncomfortable.

I don't know why but the haunted house, I think it was called The Creep Show, was so much fun. I rode it 3 times.

Evolution was the best ride there. It could not be beat for thriils. The felling of spinning so high in the air while it holds you up so high was amazing.

The other ride I enjoyed was the one next to Evolution. It was white and purple, and at night they had these cool flashing lights on them do you remember the name of it SpongeBob?

I also enjoyed the log ride more than I thought I would, and I got suprisingly wet.

I had such a good time, I want to go back before its over.

Yes, I do remember that ride next to it.  It was either that or Evolution so I chose Evolution.  Was it the one without OTSR?  I wish I could have ridden Zipper :( but nope, also did you ride Kamakazi, it looked like a lot of fun.

To me CHOAS is still the best with Evolution right behind it.

SFMM needs a mouse in the worst way, hopefully even a racing mouse...

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I did ride Kamakazi. I rode it twice. It was awesome. Especially at night. The ride next the Evolution did have OTSR and it was split up in sections of four seats, and I remember that the ride ops would let people put lose articles on the groung in the center of the ride. At night the ride would have these flashing lights. While your waiting in line for Evolution it was the ride to the right.
Oh yeah, now I remember it.  That looked really cool but I only had 32 tickets and used them up on other things.  The ops on Evolution kept saying Double Safety remember Double Safety, I kept saying uhhh..yeah.  Since this was my first time to the fair in about 6 years I was totally surprised at how many really cool flat rides they had.
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I agree with you SpongeBob about how many cool flat rides they have. I to have'nt been in 7 years. It has changed a lot. SFMM and KBF should get some of those flat rides.
I don't know if you noticed this but the fair was really clean. I found it to be way cleaner than SFMM will probably ever be and I also thought the ride ops were nice. That was suprising since I thought the fair would have been dirty.
Yeah I did notice that.  Also I was surprised at how GOOD the food was.  I ate at the Fish and Chips place and got a fish taco and zuccini(sp), it was really good full zuccini and a big fish taco with all sorts of stuff on it.  I hope SFMM and KBF get some of these.

These are what I think SFMM and KBF should get from the fair:

KBF:  Chaos, Evolution

SFMM:  Top Spin, Wild Mouse

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You know what I also noticed. Half of the ride ops looked like they they havent took a bath in weeks or the looked like some of the toughest people you would see in prison but they were a lot more nicer than the ops at SFMM. They interacted with the riders while the ride was going. I wish SFMM would have ride ops like that.
that ride next to Evolution; are you thinking of Hard Rock? i was there last week..Ive gone the last 3 years, and i think this year seems to have a better variation of rides..they took out the purple looping coaster, but they have the Mega Drop to replace that..
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You guys know that the Evolution at that fair was a completly different type of Evolution that is at SFGAdv, right?  The one at the fair was the Fabbri Model, while SFGAdv's is Nauta Baussink.  They are run completly different.  SFGAdv's uses the same type of technology as a scrambler uses...spin the wheel fast enough so that the ar are horizontal and then SLOWLY rotate the main arm around, while stopping at the top.  The Evolution at the fair was the type that Casino Pier in Seaside Heights used to have...the main arm spins slowly while the ride gondola's are controlled by the ride op...he can turn you sideways, upside down, right side up, and basically everything.  Completly different model.  Nauta Baussink's model is also a lot bigger.
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